2015 Year End Results One | Page 32

WVUSD: 2014-2015 Year-End Results __________________________________________________________________________________________________  Future Focus: Maintain a balanced budget and an adequate reserve, including LCFF “gap reserve,” considering historical state funding uncertainties Capitalize on one-time funding and accelerated LCFF revenue to pursue cost-saving programs in order to mitigate future fiscal risks Monitor and plan for fiscal impact of potential non-renewal of District of Choice program Continue potential school bond planning and implementation process Appropriately plan for current and upcoming state budget policies and trends such as STRS/PERS legislation, healthcare costs, potential state facilities bond, etc. Address aging facility needs and ensure that facilities provide a safe learning environment for our students despite lack of deferred maintenance funds Integrate efforts between Services/Site Administration Business Operations’ divisions and Educational Monitor and plan for the increased inequity in funding to WVUSD due to the impact of the state’s LCFF and continue to address impact of comparatively lower salaries on the recruitment and retention of all employees Reduce legal fees Continue to implement 5-year plan for purchasing textbooks Address maintenance and refreshing of technology Continue to improve efficiency of school sites purchasing resources and processes Assess feasibility of reinstating previously reduced classified, certificated, and management positions Improve school grounds to reduce erosion and control runoff Implement environmentally responsible programs to reduce consumption of scarce resources Review, refine, and rehearse emergency response plans __________________ Walnut Valley Unified School District 25 __________________