WVUSD: 2014-2015 Year-End Results
(DOC) legislation will sunset in January 2016, we anticipate the district may experience
declining enrollment beginning with the 2016-17 school year. Additionally, in order to
avoid losing all LCFF K-3 Supplemental Fund until the district has fully implemented K-3
class sizes at 24:1, the district has negotiated with the teachers’ bargaining unit, WVEA,
to implement an alternative plan to reach the 24:1 target by 2020-21.
WVUSD has continued to support the BTSA Induction program at the 2012-2013 funding
level. In the wake of neighboring districts closing their induction programs, the Walnut
Valley Consortium has opened the program to include individuals who need induction to
complete their clear credential, but do not have one available in their school or district.
Each individual teacher pays a fee of $2,500 for each year of the two year program to
WVUSD. In addition, the partner districts in the consortium, Whittier City School District,
South Whittier School District, and East Whittier City School District, along with several
private school and charter school partners, pay WVUSD a fee of $2,500 per teacher, per
year, for their teachers to comple