2015 Year End Results One | Page 30

WVUSD: 2014-2015 Year-End Results __________________________________________________________________________________________________  have been monitored with funding sources including Bond Measures S & Y, state matching funds, developer fees, and land sale proceeds. Though the changes have been challenging in the National School Lunch and Breakfast Program, we continue to serve the students within the WVUSD with the highest quality and healthy foods. For the current school year, we have served 978,695 lunch meals and continue to increase participation. We contribute the success of the program to the Nutrition Services staff that values the impact they have on the students’ educational day. We strive to offer a variety of healthy and appealing choices to the students and focus on food trends such as wraps, hummus trays, yogurt parfaits, and fresh sandwiches and salads, to mention a few. The USDA has developed Professional Standards for school nutrition personnel. USDA developed these standards to help build skills, to stay current with complex school nutrition programs, to enhance the image of school nutrition employees, and food handling training. These standards focus on the Food Service Worker I to the Director level. Continuing Education Units must be earned on a yearly basis; anywhere from 4 – 8 hours depending on your title and number of hours you work in a day. This will give the department an opportunity to train personnel in all areas of eligibility, food safety, identification of reimbursable meals, and nutrition. In an effort for constant process improvement, the district recently upgraded the existing financial and reporting operating system from an outmoded and unsupported DOS based system to a web based system which integrates component units such as inventory, purchasing, budget, and reporting into one platform. At regular intervals, Escape Technology releases updated Escape Online 5 software. The 2015 schedule for Escape Online 5 releases are March, June and October. Fiscal Services and Purchasing has provided the initial trainings to support this upgrade. Within the last year, a total of eight training sessions were offered to all users. Fiscal Services and Purchasing will continue to provide Escape training along with utilizing the established Help Desk. The following tools are available via Escape activities: How-To, Tutorials, Webinars, and Online Resources. The need for mandatory training for all staff is being reviewed. In addition, streamlining the approval process is also under review. With the Escape System, Purchasing has supported the district by processing 3,646 purchase orders and 1,565 warehouse orders for the 2014-2015 school year. We recognize that funding is essential to any district effort. Consequently, the Business and Educational Services divisions have worked collaboratively to budget expenditures identified by the combined efforts of LCAP committees to serve various student populations and the needs at individual schools to improve student achievement. All schools learned how to do more with less dollars in economically hard times and have become more efficient, stretching every new dollar to provide services for all students. One-time Common Core implementation funding was used to provide technology devices, teacher planning, and professional development. We also jointly reviewed historical enrollment trends, Interdistrict Transfers, current enrollment, and special programs and needs. With the expectation that District of Choice __________________ Walnut Valley Unified School District 23 __________________