WVUSD : 2014-2015 Year-End Results __________________________________________________________________________________________________
the potential for additional sources of revenue , we have made real and tangible improvements to the district in this focus area as described below .
During the 2014-2015 fiscal year , the WVUSD Maintenance and Operations ( M & O ) department has supported the Virtual Desktop Infrastructure lab ( VDI ) programs at C . J . Morris Elementary , Quail Summit Elementary , and Collegewood Elementary Schools . These labs consist of individual workstations that are directly connected to the district server located at the district office . The students have the capability to access frequently used Windows applications such as Google Docs , Imagine Learning , ST Math and other applications commonly used at the elementary school level .
We have also installed over 100 data access ports at the Ron Hockwalt Academies ( RHA ) site . These ports provide internet connectivity to the Independent Study Program , Hockwalt Adult Resource Transition and Training Center ( HARTT ), Walnut Valley Adult Education , and the RHA Continuation High School .
In support of Common Core , the recent surge in mobile technology devices and carts required us to identify and install additional electrical charging outlets / stations throughout the district . In addition , many of these mobile technology carts required the installation of a specified security-locking device .
Construction of the mathematics building was completed at Diamond Bar High School ( DBHS ). This new building is comprised of 20 dedicated math classrooms , which incorporate the latest document cameras , teaching sound system , adjoining collaboration doors and innovative teaching walls , and teaching stations . To supplement lighting and to maximize energy efficiency , solar light tubes were also provided .
Walnut High School ’ s ( WHS ) partnership with ROP has led M & O to install a 3D printer and a Co2 Laser cutter / engraver . Engineering projects , designed by our students utilizing a computer program , can now be transferred into a full 3-dimensional plastic prototype . A new portable classroom was added in support of the Academic Design Program ( ADP ). The classroom was also outfitted with mobile technology as well as a collaborative walkthrough physically joining it to the existing four ADP rooms .
The modernization of Chaparral Middle School will be completed at the end of 2015 . A total of 29 classrooms are in the process of modernization with electronic media for teachers , and teaching stations as well as classroom furniture for students . The new music building includes a band , orchestra and choir room .
Modernization of Maple Hill Elementary School was completed during the fiscal year 2014-2015 . In addition to modernizing the entire campus , teacher technology such as LCD projectors , document cameras , and teaching stations were provided . Original student furniture was also replaced during the modernization .
Safeguarding taxpayer funds , the district purchased and implemented Colbi Technologies ’ “ Account-Ability ” software . As a result , projects totaling $ 100,738,026
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