WVUSD: 2014-2015 Year-End Results
Area of Focus # 3: Fiscal Stability
Continue to improve and maintain the financial integrity of all support service unit
components relative to the district budget to ensure that every student can achieve
academic success.
Evaluate and provide resources to improve facilities and technology in support of
Consistently monitor, review, and update the LCAP and budget to match the needs of
our student population and improve student achievement
Ensure funding and expenditures are continually monitored and audited
Review, analyze, and develop a district staffing ratio, which includes formulas based
on evidence and historical analysis of enrollment
Analyze the financial and facility effects of declining enrollment and begin to
prepare for such decline
Monitor class-size and adjust, as necessary, to comply with the Local Control
Funding Formula (LCFF) and Collective Bargaining Agreements
Continue to focus on maintaining the BTSA program in support of the development of
highly qualified teachers
Continue the progressive implementation of new state and federal guidelines
relative to all programs (i.e. class size reduction, school nutrition)
Review the district purchasing order system
WVUSD continues to leverage fiscal stability and sound business practices to advance
the educational achievements of our students. This year marks the third straight year
without deficit spending, and growth under Governor Brown’s LCFF has allowed for at
least incremental restoration of positions and facility efforts. While we continue to assess
Walnut Valley Unified School District