WVUSD : 2014-2015 Year-End Results __________________________________________________________________________________________________
days next year , the district must examine other methods for district-wide staff articulation )
Increase meaningful and relevant classified staff development and opportunities for classified staff development in technology
Increase articulation with special education and school sites Increase articulation with Child Care and school sites Continue to improve communication between school sites and all district departments
Address challenges in obtaining substitute coverage for preparation / planning time and explore providing training to substitutes in new instructional endeavors such as Common Core
Encourage and provide training for teachers to observe best practices of colleagues
Develop a process , collaboratively using input from relevant stakeholders , to review , analyze , and revise the employee evaluation process
Continue strengthening relationships with WVEA , CSEA and WVAA to help address future challenges
Develop a system for providing increased parent education ( in a variety of academic and social-emotional areas of relevance ) throughout the district
Continue to build partnerships with surrounding school districts to provide / exchange additional platforms for professional development
Continue to develop relationships with community businesses as this further enhances opportunities for fiscal support , resource support , and student internships
Continue to develop relationships with colleges and universities to explore strengthened school-to-career pathways and connected learning opportunities such as Middle College High School
Increase communication with city management and civic leaders of Diamond Bar and Walnut
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