WVUSD: 2014-2015 Year-End Results
a diverse group. In addition, Leadership Team members participated in the Distinguished
Speaker Series in Pasadena and the Leadership Seminar in Carlisle, Pennsylvania.
Collaboration with parents and community:
The return of the LACOE Special Education classes to the district increased the
collaboration with special education parents and staff members. Parents could now talk
more directly to their teachers and local leadership. Additional staff such as the Program
Specialist helped to support this transition. Strong communication between the SELPA
office and the district office Special Education team also helped facilitate parent concerns
and encouraged resolution at the site level. Community Clubs and Coordinating Councils
increased and augmented collaboration which assisted in building relationships. The
Diversity Think Tank originated through the district and this encouraged community
members to engage regularly in important discussions on student diversity. Further, new
and existing relationships were fostered through events such as Family Nights, Sundays
at the Park, the Walnut Festival, the Diamond Bar City Celebration, and school carnivals.
The superintendent spoke with many community leaders regarding the possible bond
initiative, and community meetings were held on several nights in different neighborhoods
in the district to get additional community input and support.
Future Focus:
Continue to look for opportunities for classified, certificated, and management team
members to come together to better understand, implement, and share the vision and
goals of the district
Continue to focus on diversity awareness through staff and student professional
development opportunities, as well as further development of the district’s Diversity
Think Tank
Develop a new administrator mentor-type program
Increase district and site-based communication through social media including
Facebook, Twitter, and the websites, while ensuring communication is accurate and
As increased communication is delivered to staff through email, provide adequate
support to fulfill an expectation that all staff has access to email and utilizes it regularly
Develop systemically structured time for staff meetings, onsite professional
development, and staff collaboration such as PTT and provide training that will target
sustaining site-based collaboration
Increase communication between classified and certificated staff particularly in how to
implement new curriculum – (considering the reduction of professional development
Walnut Valley Unified School District