WVUSD: 2014-2015 Year-End Results
and the district during 2015. Discussions with elementary site representatives and
association leaders have taken place, in order to begin developing regular collaboration
time built into each school’s schedule. The committee will reconvene in September 2015.
A district logistics team is being developed to anticipate implementation of collaboration in
the fall of 2016.
Developing the Whole Child
Developing the whole child continues to be at the core of WVUSD. Co-curricular activities
exist at all grade levels in the areas of athletics, arts, clubs, and community service.
During the 2014-2015 school year, a Stipends Committee analyzed the needs at the
middle and high school levels. The result has been a Cabinet-level administrative
decision to increase district funding for a number of stipend positions in 2015-2016.
Peer monitoring and peer counseling programs, as well as supports for educationally
related mental health, have provided avenues for addressing students’ socio-emotional
well-being. An additional psychologist position has been created to provide better access
to this service.
Involvement in the Arts for All program has led to the development of an arts planning
committee that creates a timeline and recommendations for continued development of
arts programs in WVUSD. The Steering Committee has met on several occasions during
the school year, and a draft articulation plan has been generated.
During the school day, students are exposed to character development programs that are
present at all sites. Some examples include Moral Intelligence, Success Attributes,
Character Counts, along with several bullying prevention programs. Elementary schools
have continued their implementation and development of the Positive Behavioral
Interventions and Supports (PBIS) program during 2014-2015. This year site teams have
attended Year 2 training sessions to help support the program.
Career exploration for middle and high school students has included access to activities
and/or instruction funded by the Perkins Grant, through ROP courses, and through
Career and Technical Education courses. Pathways to careers are offered in both high
schools. At Diamond Bar High School, courses include: Business, Health Science, and
Administration of Justice. In both high schools, the Health Science pathways caps with a
13th year.
Professional Development
One-time Common Core funds provided WVUSD with the opportunity to expand
professional development opportunities throughout the district. This year’s Mini University
2.0 has continued our district’s commitment to providing both certificated and classified
staff with high quality professional development that ultimately impacts students’ learning
and the environments in which they learn. The conference and other offerings throughout
Walnut Valley Unified School District