2015 Year End Results One | Page 14

WVUSD : 2014-2015 Year-End Results __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Units of study have been updated through collaborative teacher meetings to match the implementation of the standards , and K-5 ELA and Math benchmark assessments have been adjusted by a benchmark committee comprised of teachers representing each school . Middle school math benchmarks continue to be refined and adjusted for better alignment with the standards and the new textbook adoption .
Three math textbook programs were piloted by K-8 classroom teachers from each school . The process included the use of the three textbooks , regular meetings of the committee for updates by piloting teachers , and an end process for determining which components were met or not met by each textbook program . Expressions was chosen by K-5 teachers , and Big Ideas was chosen by 6-8 teachers . Both books are published / distributed by Houghton Mifflin . The middle school to high school math course sequence has been designed to allow smooth transitions from course to course , and to differentiate for students based on their math skill levels .
The instructional shifts associated with the new math and ELA standards have been a focus , including the purchase and use of instructional technology , close reading ( including close reading of complex media ), annotation strategies , evidence-based writing , increased student reading of informational text , and increased cross-curricular activities .
WVUSD has also implemented the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress ( CAASPP ) during 2014-2015 . The piloting and field tests that have been performed during the last two years have allowed this first official WVUSD test administration to be extremely successful .
Other 21 st Century skills have been embedded in the curriculum and in programs such as Project Lead the Way ( Evergreen Elementary School sent teachers for intensive training and the school implemented the program in fall of 2014 ), robotics programs , and other Science , Technology , Engineering , Arts , and Math ( STEAM ) approaches implemented by school teams .
The Dual Language Immersion ( DLI ) - Mandarin program at Walnut Elementary School expanded to 3 rd grade in 2014-2015 , and preparations , including an additional teaching position , have been made for its continued growth to 4 th grade in the fall of 2015 . Preparation has started for the continuation of the DLI program at the middle school level .
The implementation of the California Common Core Standards ( CCSS ) has offered an excellent opportunity for parents to visit classroom to observe CCSS-based instruction in action . Parents have observed classroom learning using student engagement rubrics , and they have spent time outside the classrooms discussing curriculum and instructional approaches . Parents expressed their approval of the types of learning approaches occurring . Several parents have expressed that they were opposed to the new standards before the classroom visits and , after having viewed the learning that was occurring , the parents have expressed solid support for the new standards .
Teachers have asked for more time dedicated to collaboration to be included in the workday . Collaboration and articulation activities have been funded by individual sites
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