2015 Year End Results One | Page 13

WVUSD : 2014-2015 Year-End Results __________________________________________________________________________________________________
The Hockwalt Adult Resource and Transition Training ( HARTT ) Center , serving young adults with exceptional needs , has been fully developed during the 2014-2015 school year . Students are being taught independent living skills , as well as work skills . On-site training includes food preparation , gardening , and home skills . A “ Grand Opening ” was held in December 2014 , and nearby Sysco Corporation sponsored the event by providing food and equipment that it donated to the program . Two classrooms located at Mt . SAC are administered as WVUSD classrooms , and they provide additional transition services to disabled adults ages 18-22 . ESGVROP / TC , a strong partner of WVUSD , has made donations during 2014-2015 that has provided needed resources for the HARTT Center .
WVUSD Special Education programs that had been facilitated by Los Angeles County Office of Education ( LACOE ) through 2013-2014 , were transitioned back to Walnut Valley Unified School District schools at the start of the 2014-2015 school year . WVUSD is a Special Education Local Plan Area ( SELPA ) provider for nine ( 9 ) Autism Spectrum Disorder ( ASD ) programs for grades 9-12 . Sites and staff were prepared , and transportation was arranged , in order to support the students from the programs . Additional staff training ( such as Crisis Prevention and Intervention ) was provided for particular site and Child Care program staff .
English Learner support has been evolving as WVUSD begins moving from the “ awareness ” stage to the “ transition ” stage of the implementation of the new English Language Development Standards . 2015-2016 will be the official “ implementation ” stage . Every school site has English Language Development ( ELD ) programs to assist English Learners in the acquisition of language skills needed to be successful in school . ELD Levels l , ll and lll have been established across all middle schools and high schools , creating better alignment for student transitioning from level to level . Guided Language Acquisition Design ( GLAD ) training for Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten teachers has been provided this year , and GLAD refresher training has been provided for K-5 teachers . Imagine Learning licenses have been purchased for all Kindergarten-5 th grade Beginning and Early Intermediate English Learner students . Licenses have also been purchased for selected students in secondary schools . At the middle school level , the DynEd software program has been put into effect to support English Learners . Additionally , intervention programs are offered before and after school at school sites across the District . Additional supports are made before and after school .
Summer programs have included an ELD focus for 1 st through 5 th grades , targeting continued English Learner language acquisition , as well as clinical professional development opportunities for teachers . Summer programs have included the piloting of software supporting ELD , at both the elementary and middle school levels . Middle school Title I summer school has also provided targeted students with visits to universities , the Jet Propulsion Laboratory , and Cal Tech .
Delivering Collaboratively-Developed Curriculum and Instruction
2014-2015 has been the official implementation of California Common Core Standards in all schools . WVUSD ’ s early preparation and planning made the transition a smooth one .
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