2015 Year End Results One | Page 12

WVUSD: 2014-2015 Year-End Results __________________________________________________________________________________________________  Baccalaureate 5th grade exhibition projects that focus on global issues; and the reading of books written in other languages. At Walnut Elementary School, the Dual Language Immersion (DLI)–Mandarin program teaches Mandarin literacy, as well as content in both English and Mandarin. A teacher from China visited the school during the 2014-2015 school year, through an award from the Teachers of Critical Language Program (TCLP). Another teacher will join the school during the 2015-2016 school year. The visiting teachers expose non-DLI students across the school to Chinese language and culture. Elementary schools received half-time Elementary Learning Specialists during 20142015. Teachers and principals report successful implementation that has resulted with greater support for classroom instruction and student academic interventions. Middle schools have begun informing parents and students of the University of California/California State University (UC/CSU) “A-G” course requirements for admission to the university systems. This information has been disseminated during Parent Information Nights. During high school, students have annual meetings with their parents and their assigned Grade-Level Coordinators (GLC) for individualized scheduling and to review class offerings. An audit of the district’s UC/CSU A-G completion rate, erroneously calculated and reported as only 17% in 2013-2014, has been shown to actually be over 72%. It is anticipated that rescheduling of students, identified as in danger of not meeting particular A-G courses, will result in an increase of about 4%, to approximately 76%, for seniors graduating at the end of the 2014-2015 school year. Several options are available for students needing to recover credits needed for high school graduation. A credit recovery program is provided at both comprehensive high schools, and an Alternative Education program, Ron Hockwalt Academies’ (RHA) Continuation High School (for Credit Recovery, Independent Study, and Online learning), is offered to students for academic recovery, and to assist students with psychological and socio-emotional needs. RHA Continuation High School has been relocated to a campus setting as of fall 2014. Additionally, both comprehensive high schools offer full programs for students in need of a smaller, more individualized environment. At Diamond Bar High School, the program is referred to as the Pathways Academy, and at Walnut High School it is named the Academic Design Program (ADP). Walnut High School has also implemented an Academic Tutorial period, which allows students to confer with teachers in courses where students may need assistance. Other targeted interventions include site interventions programs, funded by targeted monies. WVUSD has a focus on the support of students who are homeless or living in foster homes. The District staff has attended training sessions during 2014-2015 to better address the specific needs of these students. Every school site has a working Student Study Team process where struggling students are referred for planning of targeted interventions. Special Education and 504 Accommodations Plans are continuously developed in all sites for students who qualify and meet the requirements. __________________ Walnut Valley Unified School District 5 __________________