2015 Year End Results One | Page 11

WVUSD: 2014-2015 Year-End Results __________________________________________________________________________________________________  approaches such as Thinking Maps, Daily 5 strategies, Close Reading, and evidencebased writing. Students needing intervention and support, whether identified as special education or as in need of developing skills, are provided with specialized and highly differentiated programs such as Language!, Reading Mastery Plus, Touch Math, adaptations of Close Reading, Step Up to Writing, Ed Mark, and Project Read. At the high school level, students have the opportunity to enroll in the International Baccalaureate (IB) Career-related Programmes in Biomedical Sciences at Walnut High School and in the Brahma Tech Academy Project Lead the Way STEAM program at Diamond Bar High School, in addition to the IB Diploma Program. IB program validation visits demonstrate that the quality of the program meets requirements set by International Baccalaureate. Students at the high school level also have opportunities for career investigation and training through the East San Gabriel Regional Occupational Program and Technical Center (ESGVROP/TC). ESGVROP/TC is a high caliber program recently recognized as “Best in the World” during a recognition ceremony in Belgium. WVUSD students have excellent options for meeting the requirements of both college and career. In addition, WVUSD’s Executive Cabinet has begun planning discussions with Mt. San Antonio College (Mt. SAC) to implement a Middle College High School in a classroom building on the campus that will be contributed by Mt. SAC. This arrangement will provide WVUSD 10th through 1