2015 Year End Results One | Page 10

WVUSD: 2014-2015 Year-End Results __________________________________________________________________________________________________      Groups   LEA-wide  Black or African American   American Indian or  Alaska Native Asian  Filipino  Hispanic or Latino Native Hawaiian or  Pacific Islander White   Two or More Races Number of Students Included in API 11,235 299 9 API 909 804 6,447 647 2,504 59 Subgroup Not of Numerically Significant Size 951 912 825 849 1,095 175 875 935  Socioeconomically 1,990 847 Disadvantaged   English Learners  Students with Disabilities 1,778 1,051 861 715     College and Career Readiness WVUSD’s expectations for students are high, clear, and supported to ensure that students are prepared for success in college and the workforce. Student learning includes experiences with technology tools to enhance learning and engage students. Technology experiences have increased during the past year, including the use of collaboration technologies, such as Google Apps for Education (GAFE), multimedia programs, Project Lead the Way science and engineering programs, Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), and robotics programming software, which are accessed during school and/or during extracurricular activities. Other activities include Genius Hour, Robotics Clubs, Math Counts, Science Olympiad, and Hour of Code activities that take place during the school year (particularly during Computer Science Education Week that takes place each December). This exposure to technology has also supported students in experiencing a smooth spring California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) testing process. Over approximately 10,000 devices are in use across the school district, increasing students’ access to technology-supported learning. The California Common Core Standards in English Language Arts (ELA) and math have been formally implemented during the 2014-2015 school year. The anchor standards for each grade level build successively upon one another, from year to year, developing students’ skills that will assist their success in both college and career. Research-based instructional practices that develop student learning of the standards are evident at all sites, including __________________ Walnut Valley Unified School District 3 __________________