2013 UBMS Yearkbook Vol 1 | Page 12


Algebra & Physics I love to deal with numbers and solving equations !!! Andrew Mizener , my Algebra two and Physics teacher , makes learning easier to grasp , especially when we do not fully understand what
Composition 1 My favorite class is English because we learn so much and I know it will benefit us sooner or later . Mrs . Miles is very understanding and is always willing to help when you don ’ t understand something . That ’ s what makes the class have a good atmosphere . - Kaprechia Carter

“ All of my classes are a challenge , but that ’ s what makes them so interesting .”

he ’ s writing on the board ( LOL ). He makes sure everyone knows what we are doing and if we get lost , it ’ s our fault for not speaking up . He makes learning fun and easy to do . That ’ s why these are my two favorite class = D - Patricia C .
Challenges All of my classes are a challenge , but that ’ s what makes them so interesting . Algebra II is my favorite class , only because I love math . My teacher is Mr . Mizener and I have actually learned from him than I have from any of my other math teachers . He shows us new things and how to do things faster and easier . He pushes a lot onto us at once but that ’ s what I like about the class . For English Composition I have Ms . Miles and I like her class more then I usually like English classes . She makes it more understandable for everyone . Mr . Alam , He tries to understand us as best as he can and explains it into detail . - Megan Sosa
Mathematics Whoever made this program accidentally snook English into it , because it is UBMS not UBMS and English . Nah , jokes aside , the classes are pretty fun . I ’ m not much into chemistry but the teacher is pretty cool . The Algebra teacher is really chill , and that is probably my favorite class , just for the fact that math is fun . - Jeremy Roca
Page 7 | Summer Courses
DUAL CREDIT This year the program has offered duel credit as a class for participants to take . I am currently enrolled in government for duel credit for Tarrant County College . I really enjoy the class and the professor is easy to understand . The class is almost 3 hours but we get a mid-class break . Each week we have a two page chapter review and an article correlation that we present on Thursday before our exam . We take exams every Thursday over what we learned that week . The course is 15 days long and very fast pace . - Rebecca Loftin

“ We take Exams every Thursday over what we learned that week ”