2013 UBMS Yearkbook Vol 1 | Page 11

“ But don ’ t be afraid , she ’ ll just WATCH you while you SLEEP !!!!”

My roommate this year is Bevanna but I call her baba . What ’ s funny is that I can tell her anything and she ’ ll only look at me and be like “ oh Jacky ”. It ’ s cool how both of us and Itzel and Jessica get along so well for so long . Now we have Iqra and Vanessa to add . Not to mention they ’ re quiet but they ’ re really funny ! I ’ m glad that this year we got roomed like this ; I can tell this year ’ s residence life is going to be awesome ! - Jacky G .
My roommate this year is Aileen Legarda . I met her last year so I was excited to know that she was my roommate this year . We have fun together in our room where we ’ re always being silly with each other . She is such a nice and sweet person . She always talks to me and we get along very well . My suitemates are so funny . I ’ m glad I was able to make new friends this year . We always play cards with each other . - Martha Pecina
My roommate is Enriqueta Calderon . Enriqueta brought like her whole room with her ! She is not messy . she ’ s very organized . She is responsible of her things and does her work on time . I like my roommate because I know her and she is my friend . Enriqueta can be very weird and random sometimes . She likes to stalk Channing Tatum . At night she likes to say “ No tears , just dreams ”. It ’ s very creepy ! She ’ s funny . We always pretend to sing and we ’ re horrible . We ’ re always goofing around . At night , she stays up to read and is always making noises and saying goodnight every ten seconds ! She also likes to try photoshopping herself with Channing
Tatum but it was an epic fail ! - Diana Ramirez
My roommate is Kelsey G . she is a troll !! She lives like one and snores like one . When she takes off her elf shoes , a smell of toenail muffins fills the room . Her morning routine is playing the drums with her trash can while jumping on her bed like a wild child . But don ’ t be afraid , she ’ ll just
WATCH you while you SLEEP !!!! - Patricia Calderon
My roommate is Coraima Ramos . She is awesome . She was my suitemate last year . At first I was worried that she wouldn ’ t make it because her flight was cancelled and delayed . I am really glad she got here . She is very energetic but stays focused on the task at hand and during our free time she is absolutely hilarious . She is a wonderful person . - Rebecca L .
I honestly believe that I have the best roommate and the best sweep mates . One reason , they are clean . I have heard all the stories of people stinking and how people would be all stank nasty , but my room / sweep mates are not like that at all . My roommate is one of my good friends but I have learned one thing about him . He is a woman when it comes to his clothes . He made me sit down for 30 minutes waiting for his clothes to dry because he was afraid someone would take it . But aside from all that , we are gonna have some fun once we get the TV . - Jeremy Roca