My roommate is Kelsey . She is very organized and she is real clean . I have known her for the longest and we ’ re best friends . When she ’ s scared , she sleeps with the light on . All she likes to do is eat up everything . She stays hungry 27 / 7 . She ’ s so clumsy with everything she does and she has to have everything she needs to move on to something new or she ’ ll freak out . - Kaprechia Carter
My roommate is Kaprechia Carter . She is very funny , crazy , and organized . We have lots of fun together and have been best friends for 2 years . She can do some very retarted things sometimes and always catches my retarted moments . She puts up with me being scared of the dark and lets me sleep with my night light . But one thing I bet you ’ d never know about her is that eating is her main hobby . Our freaking room looks like a grocery store . - Kelsey Littleton
My roommate ’ s name is Andrea . When I first meet her , she gave the impression of a sweet and caring person ; she still hasn ’ t changed . She is such a fun person to talk to , and we always laugh about the smallest things . I ’ m convinced that I am the luckiest girl in the world to end up with a roommate like her ! - Deanna Gibson
My roommate ’ s name is Brianna , she is very nice and I think we got along very well from the start . My suitemates are the two RA ’ s Amanda and Lucy . Amanda is so loud and just full of joy all the time and Lucy is so quiet and nice . I am glad I share the suite with them . The other suitemates I have are Phi and Maritza . Phi is so adorable and she is so nice to everyone and Maritza has the longest curly hair I have ever seen in my life . I enjoy spending time with them because most of us are new to this program and we all feel the same way , homesick or hungry . I also made friends from Banquete , Vanessa , Maritza , Naz and Jassel . They are the girls I hang out with and laugh so much with . I am glad I met them or else I don ’ t think I would be having the time of my life . - Daisy Marquez
My roommate this year is Jessica . I love Jessica . She ’ s a great friend and roommate . She always helps out with whatever she can , including outfits . She is really crazy but that ’ s exactly what makes her unique and so likable . I Love you girl and I ’ m glad you were my room-mate this 2013 year . < 3 - Itzel Morales
“ I ’ m convinced that I am the luckiest girl in the world to end up with a roommate like her !”
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