“ My favorite academic class would be math because it is easy ”
- Zandra Romero
“ Overall I love all my classes but my all-time favorite is visual design ”
- Itzel Morales
Chemistry Within this week and a half I ’ ve attended here at UTA with UBMS , I ’ ve really got into my Chemistry class . It is quiet hard , but that ’ s what makes this class entertaining . I like this class because I like messing with new substances and working with the periodic table of elements . It requires a lot of hard work and a lot of hard effort if you want to make the best out of this class . Trying new thing has always been my favorite thing to do . - Christian
“ Getting my physics down and my matematics down , flipping amazing !!! ”
- Patrick Ayala
“ English has a lot of homework but it ’ s my favorite subject ” - Kelsey Littleton
“ Every day I learn something new that I had not known the day before .”
Overall Learning Experience My academic classes this summer are Algebra II , Chemistry , and English Composition I . I have enjoyed taking these classes and getting an idea of what I ’ m going to be taking during the school year . I still don ’ t understand much of what ’ s going on in Chemistry , but I will get used to it . I also have dictionary skills I enjoy that class because now I can know where to find things quickly on the dictionary . I ’ m learning a lot of new things this summer . - Diana Ramirez
Geometry Algebra II Pre-Cal Calculus English Composition I English Composition II English Literature Chemistry Physics Environmental Science Freshmen Research Introduction to Research Medical Research Siemens Research DigiMedia DigiText Visual Design Website Design College Skills
Anime & Manga Apps and Game Design Pyschology SAT Math Academic Bowl Prep Academic Bowl Sports
Calculus My math and science classes so far have been very interesting and fun . I am taking Calculus which seemed like it was going to be a very difficult class is actually very easy thanks to my teacher . He makes what we have learned so far seem simple . Every day I learn something new that I had not known the day before . - Miguel