Celebrating Marketplace Role Models
In 2011 , BBB enhanced its Advantages of Accreditation through the launch of new programs and improvements to existing services .
BBB introduced the new BBB Business Review format with a photo and video option for BBB Accredited Businesses . This online enhancement provides more information to consumers , as well as highlights Accredited Businesses and their products and services to connect with potential customers .
BBB continues to be on the forefront of technology-based services with the launch of the interactive BBB Dynamic Seal program for Accredited Businesses ’ web and social media sites . Consumers clicked the seal 22,108 times to verify the business ’ Accreditation status .
BBB also launched the new Cities Served program to Accredited Businesses through BBB Member Pages . This program allows Accredited Businesses to reach potential customers in all cities where they do business .
Website Visits : 1,783,278
BBB ’ s website received an average of 4,800 visits per day in 2011 , an 8 % increase over 2010
BBB Business Reviews Provided : 1,565,813
Consumers searched BBB ’ s database of more than 105,000 BBB Business Reviews , and 64 % of those searches were for BBB Accredited Businesses
Member Pages Directory Searches : 258,109
Consumers turned to BBB ’ s Accredited Business Directory to find trustworthy businesses . In 2011 , BBB hosted an average of 700 searches per day
Phone Assistance : 73,417
BBB fielded an average of 1,410 calls per week to provide free information on how to Start With Trust ®
Complaints Handled : 19,887
BBB ’ s dispute resolution process offered conciliation , mediation and arbitration to consumers and businesses
Request A Quotes Processed : 11,523
Consumers requested free price quotes from Accredited Businesses through BBB ’ s website , a 60 % increase from 2010
Media Appearances : 4,706
BBB worked closely with media outlets across its service area to inform consumers of scams and promote the use of BBB programs and services
Advertising Review and Assistance : 216
BBB proactively worked with local companies to promote ethical advertising practices
Driving Consumers to Trustworthy Businesses
Multimedia Testimonial Campaign in San Antonio
BBB launched a multimedia testimonial campaign in San Antonio featuring local BBB Accredited Businesses . The campaign included both outdoor and radio advertising , and yielded more than 83 million impressions .
“ We Invented This Whole Idea ” Cable TV Campaign
BBB introduced its first-ever cable TV advertising campaign called “ We Invented This Whole Idea .” The campaign covered five media markets resulting in 889,082 impressions .