2011 NAMCA AGM Vol 1 | Page 14

NAMCA AGM 2010 Partnership for Developing Masaba Land NAMCA Founders Report Submitted By: Dr. Margaret Khaitsa NAMCA Founders Council was incorporated in NAMCA constitution On May 24, 2009 at the 10th AGM in St. Paul, MN the NAMCA Founders Council article was officially incorporated in the NAMCA constitution. The terms of Reference for NAMCA FC included: • Serve as the Trustee of NAMCA • Play an Advisory role to the Board. • Motivate Leadership and Members to meet NAMCA goals. • Serve as a Vehicle for Fund Raising for NAMCA. • Encourage a Member-driven Association. • Promote a Positive NAMCA Image NAMCA Founders Council: What has transpired between May 2009-May 2010 NAMCA FC held several meetings individually and in collaboration with the Board, to address issues in accordance with her Terms of Reference. Listed below are some of the accomplishments: • NAMCA in collaboration with North Dakota State University researchers participated in a research project that raised some funds ($3,650) for NAMCA. This effort was facilitated by NAMCA FC chairperson – Margaret Khaitsa. • NAMCA FC with the Board jointly addressed NAMCA Leadership issues in order to ensure a smooth transition in the NAMCA leadership at the next elections. • NAMCA FC discussed and provided advice to the Board regarding the state of NAMCA. • In October 2009, after the passing of a NAMCA member, (the late Michael Buyinza) one of the founder members, Bob Mushikori travelled from Toronto to New York to assist in addressing family related matters regarding Michael’s death. • In December, 2009, after the passing of the late James Kafabusa KhaiKhai NAMCA FC with the Board held for the first time a successful electronic conference to celebrate his life. This initiative was led by NAMCA FC member Florence Wakoko-Studstill and NAMCA Board President – Nicholas Wakou. During his life, the late James Kafabusa KhaiKhai had been a dedicated NAMCA member and a respected elder and advisor to NAMCA. Some modest financial support was realized at that meeting and there after. • Following the Bududa landslides in March 2010, several NAMCA FC members contributed moral & financial support towards efforts to alleviate this tragedy. 14