2011 NAMCA AGM Vol 1 | Page 13

North Dakota State University (NDSU) Research Study Thanks to efforts by Dr. Margaret Khaitsa, NAMCA obtained an opportunity to participate in a research study sponsored by North Dakota State University aimed at assessing public perception of risk and crisis messages. NAMCA members and their friends in other Ugandan communities who participated in the online survey were able to raise $25 for each survey for the association. Dr. Betty Wakou led the effort of contacting and encouraging NAMCA members and friends in other communities to participate. NAMCA raised $3,650 from this study. Administrative The leadership of the association has been able to manage this association in full compliance with our constitution and local law. The FY08 Financial statement which could not be approved at the Minneapolis 2009 AGM for technical reasons was eventually approved by the board and distributed to paid-up members. The FY09 Financial statement will be on track for approval by the Toronto 2010 AGM. The Board Secretary Ms. Alice Nambuya Mudonyi has coordinated the nomination of the 2010/12 NAMCA Board members. The Founder’s council and the Board will meet jointly to discuss these nominations. Constitutional amendments generated at the Minneapolis AGM have been incorporated in the constitution. The revised constitution has been posted to the webs ite. Minutes of the 2009 AGM should also be available on the website. The land in Mbale is still our prime asset. The title deed for the land was secured. Way Forward NAMCA has established itself as the voice of the Bamasaba community in the Diaspora. The leadership has managed to steer the association from a purely social, networking cultural agenda to a projects driven development direction. This shift has been evolving slowly over time but we need to move to a faster gear. In order to do that, the association has to address the issue of member retention and engagement. The number of members paying their membership fee for the first time is a good metric to watch. This number is significant as compared to returning payees. The normal traditional perception has been to view members purely as owners. A more successful stratagem might be to view members additionally as customers. The current administration has managed the association since the Sacramento 2007 AGM. By all accounts we have achieved our agenda plus more. At this AGM we shall be handing over to a new Board which will be elected at this AGM. We are confident that the new team will raise NAMCA to even higher heights. We achieved a lot but there is still a lot more to be done. The Educational Resource Center for AIDS orphans long-term project is still an idea on paper only. The association purchased prime land in Mbale town for the project but that land has to be developed. The new board has to devise ways of developing this land before the expiration of the 5 year development grace period. 13