2011 NAMCA AGM Vol 1 | Page 12

NAMCA AGM 2010 Partnership for Developing Masaba Land NAMCA Board Report Submitted By: Nicholas Wakou May 2009 to May 2010 The NAMCA board has had a busy year, full of many events good and bad. I will attempt to summarize and categorize them: Registration in Ontario, Canada NAMCA is now registered in the province of Ontario. This is in addition to our 501 c3 Nonprofit organization status in the US and NGO in Uganda. Special thanks to Mr. John Mabberi Mudonyi for his assistance in making this happen. Undungu Project The association donated 4 sewing machines with accessories and 100 hoes to Undungu Family Development Association based in Kiduwa village, Bumawosa parish, Busulani sub-county, Budadiri, county, Sironko District. This grass root, community organization mainly caters for Women and Youth. Special thanks to Dr. Jane Gidudu who spearheaded this project within NAMCA and Mr. Stephen Khaukha who coordinated it on behalf of the board. Dr. Gidudu attended and represented NAMCA at the hand-over ceremony. Bududa Landslides Appeal As soon as we heard of the Bududa Landslides tragedy, we organized and invited all Bamasaba to a conference call to map out a strategy on how we as a community in North America should respond to this calamity. We immediately raised $1500 for emergency aid and issued a press release which circulated in the Ugandan and International media. Arlington Academy of Hope (AAH), thanks to Joyce and John Wanda, allowed NAMCA officials to appear on its regular Uganda Broadcasting Corporation (UBC) Lumasaba program to have a radio dialogue with their Bamasaba listeners in Uganda. Additionally, The NAMCA President recorded a message of solidarity and support from the Bamasaba in the Diaspora to the affected community. It was aired on UBC’s Lumasaba program. We set up a task force in Uganda and in North America to coordinate the relief effort. The Ugandan task force was led by Bishop Wabulakha and included Mr. James Wasikye Nabitawo, Mr. John Wababa, LC5 Chair Bududa Mr. Watira and LC5 Women councilor for the affected area Ms. Wamatabu. With the help of this committee we managed to distribute the following: • 432 Saucepans • 460 rolls of basins • Lanterns • Food The NAMCA Vice President Joyce Wanda was in the area physically to coordinate the distribution effort. In order to create awareness to the tragedy within North America, we posted an appeal for help on our website which was also circulated in several electronic distribution lists. With the help of the UNAA President Mr. Moses Wilson, we were able to access a good number of Ugandan communities. The response was swift and generous as will be shown by the Treasurer’s report. These efforts were supplemented by individual community efforts. The UNAA chapter in New York led by Pius Bugembe worked with our Edward Wanda to organize a fund-raiser in response to our appeal. They raised over $2,700. Not to be left behind, the Bamasaba in Toronto led by Sir. Bob Mushikori also organized a fund-raiser that raised $2,839. The Ugandan community in Atlanta led by Ms. Peace Seninde is working with Dr. Florence Wakoko Studstill to hold a fund-raiser on May 22nd. 12