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Dear Stripe,

I need some advice

Dear Stripe,

With finals coming up, I just can't help but get super stressed about life! I'm studying really hard but I still feel like everythings crashing down no matter how much I study! Do you have any tips to de-stress?



Dear Emma,

I definitely know the feeling of being super stressed when finals are just around the cornor! Being prepared is always a good idea for your grades, but preparing for them 24/7 is never a good idea for your nerves! Instead of just sitting in your little study area the entire time you're not in class, why not take at least a few hours in your day to simply relax and do whatever you want to do? Maybe watch a movie, play vicdeo games, or just lie around in bed staring at the wall! I certainly don't judge on whatever relaxes you!

Taking a break from studying will give your brain enough time to calm down and de-stress! Just make sure that whatever your doing in your free time is not spent thinking about what you need to do later! If you are stressed about letting your free time taking over your day, tjen just set an alarm for when you have to get back to usiness! Just whatever you do to make sure that you're feeling okay and relaxed at the end of it!

I hope your finals week ends up well and both your studying and de-stressing!

From Stripe