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Dear Stripe,

I'm having trouble making friends on campus. It just seems like everyone's already made a ton of friends while I barely talk to people in my class. Are there any tips to start making friends on this huge campus?



Dear Sarah,

It always seems hard to make friends when you're at college with all these people hanging around, but it is something that just comes naturally when you least expect it! I would recommend checking out the different clubs on campus. It can be something your interested in or just soemthing you think would be fun! I've personally met all my friends through the various clubs here, so I'm sure that you will meet someone who shares your interests! That's a start, right?

Other than that, why not try just making casual conversation? I know that's not the best option for everyone, but it is also a way to make connections with people around campus! If you see someone wearing the t-shirt of your favorite band or have a button of your favorite show on their bag, then why not compliment them on it and try to strike a conversation about it? It's hard but once you get into a good conversation about things you like, things will beging to grow more natural the more you talk!

From Stripe