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The scoop on Dr. Nichols

used to- now i'm actually thinking about what i'm watching!"

You've talked about this being your first semester back from sabbatical, what exactly did you do with your time away?

A sabbatical is typiucally granted to give a faculty member time to complete a research project they otherwise wouldnt be able to complete due to time constraints. So, yes, I did work on research, but I also took time to simply relax, do some travel and, of course, take more dance lessons. It was quite rejuvenating, and I returned with all sorts of new creative ideas for class room.

What has been you most fulfilling experience as a professor?

WIthout hesitation, I'd have to say that working with students is absolutely the most fulfilling experience I've had as professor! I love working with young people, introducing them to new ideas and opening up new worlds. I also

love learning from students- they teach me about their generation and what they hope to exprience in life. This makes me feel more connected to the worl and, as you might guess, keeps me young- at heart, that is.

You've mentioned that you're from the west coast, how did you end up at Towson?

Yes, I was born and raised in Seattle, Wash., and then raised my daughter, Michelle, in California. After I saw her through college, I went back myself to complete my master's degree in San Francisco, California. Much to my surprise, I survived the program and found that I

that I thrived in academia, so contiued on to Madison Wisc., where i completed my doctorate. I then went out on whats called the "Tenure-track" market and eventually was hired by Towson University to join its faculty. The best part of this story is that my daughter's husband was transferred from the West Coast to Philadelphia, so now Michelle and I are once again on the same coast.