1st written work: approaches in action 1 | Page 14

communicative approach

Purpose statement:

This activity was created to teach and reinforce the different weather conditions and the use of the present simple by playing.


At the end of the activity, the students will be able to identify, name, and describe different weather conditions of the unit based on the definitions and main characteristics that difference one from another and use the simple present in affirmative, negative and question form.

Materials and resources needed: Flashcards of different weather conditions and papersheets that have pictures of all the weather conditions learnend in classes with their respective names.

Description of the activity:

The teacher asks students to make groups of no more than 4 students.

At the time the students had formed the groups, the teacher will give them a series of flashcards. Each student will be given a papersheet that contains all the weather conditions with their respectives names,, and a flashcard of a certain weather condition that he/she has to mantain in secret.

The rules are:

- Each student of the group will ask characteristics of the classmate's weather conditions flashcards in order to guess it, but the questions have to be general. e.g.: It is your weather condition related to bad weather conditions? -Yes, it is; No, it isn't.

-When the student is almost sure about the weather condition of the classmate can ask “Is your weather condition....?” and the answer has to be: Yes, it is; No, it isn't.

To get to this, every time the students make a question, they have to cross out the pictures that are not related to the classmate's flashcard. Example: taking tha question of the previous example, if the answer is negative, the rest of the group have to cross out all the bad weather conditionds like rainy, windy, cold, etc. They will do this until they are sure what is the classmates weather condition.

The game will end when all the groups had guessed the weather conditions given to each student. This part of the activity will take between fifteen minutes to half an hour or more, depending on how familiar are the students with the vocabulary.

To end the activity, the teacher will say the students that they have to guess a final weather condition, which will be the teacher's flashcard. They will have to follow the same rules as they did previously but they have to do it as a group. The activity ends when the students guess the teacher's flashcard.