1st written work: approaches in action 1 | Page 15

Level: fifth year of primary.

task-based approach

Purpose statement:

This activity was created to teach the students different means of communication and technological devices and the reinforce of the use of English in the classroom by discusing and giving opinion.


At the end of the activity, the students will be able to analyze different pieces of information about a problem by discussing and designing a solution to it, justifying and describing the solution in order to support their ideas.

Materials and resources needed:

The papersheet that contains the problem.

Description of the activity:

To introduce the activity, the teacher will ask the students to say which are the technological devices that they usually use to communicating with others. The teacher will write on the board some of the devices and the reasons the students give. This will take five or seven minutes.

To start the activity, the teacher will ask the students to form groups between four and six students. When the groups are ready, the teacher will give a papersheet that contains the information that the students have to work with. When all the groups have the information, the teacher will ask the students to read the papersheet with him/her at loud. The papersheet will contain a problem that the students will have to solve in groups and share the solution that they made up to the rest of the class by describing it and justifying their desitions in order to demostrate that their idea is better than the rests.

The problem that the students will have to solve will be “Choosing the best technological device to communicating.”

The time to analyze the information and make up a solution will be of no more than fifteen and five minutes to share and defend their position.

As a closing, the teacher will evaluate the arguments of each group.