1967-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1967 March Voice RS | Page 14
(Continued from Page 12)
K’S COUNTRY SQUIRE and Mr. H. B. Hauk will be
showing GO RHYTHM GO, a top black stallion that he
purchased from “Whitcy” Whitehead and the Kiblcr
Farms. JET’S DESTINY, a black age marc will carry
Miss Marty Corns of Kingsport in the Juvenile classes
and Elaine Ellis will be riding a big roan gelding that
her father, Harold Ellis recently purchased from Dr. Bob
Ellis of Greensboro, N. C. We asked about TOP TAL
ENT, the top Juvenile and Age mare that John T. has
been showing for the past few veal's, and learned that
several people have been trying to buy her and she may
not be shown out of his bam this year. More about this
Age horses are also big news here. SHADOW’S SOU
VENIR, a big lick black gelding owned by Mr. Dan Carr
of Princeton, West Va., should do his part to bring home
some stake class ribbons this year and RODGER’S BLACK
GLORY, owned by Wade Bullay of Johnson City, will
also be going strong. Another fine age stallion is THE
POLITICIAN, a five year old black stud owned by Ed
Hawkins of Tazwell, Va. In the three year old classes
this year MACK K’S DUPLICATE, a sorrel stud owned
by Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Nelson of Johnson City, will be
doing his share to keep the John T. Carter Stables up
front. Don’t forget WARLOCK . . . you arc going to hear
a lot about him lated on!
We also heard a lot of talk about SUPER SPORT the
rowd-pleasing black stallion that won the Two Year Old
A/fnntanmerv with Mack Motes
TV-fr^o in
saddle. Observers say that what this horse is doing NOYV
is fantastic and that any hoise that can ically beat him de
serves some roses from somebody. It looks as if both Vic
and Mack will be contenders in several classes this season.
Sain Stables
A recent trip to the Sain Stables in Bell Buckle indi
cates there there is a lot of activity within the confines of
this small but now famous Walking Horse operation.
Betty is working several two year olds as well as some
three year olds. Most of her young stock is by BLACK
DUST and she is particularly pleased with the progress
of a bay three year old stallion. The horse was making
excellent progress last year as a two year old and sus
tained an injury that prevented him from being shown. He
should be ready for action this year however.
People ask . . . what about SHAKER’S SHOCKER?
Are they standing him or is she going to show him again?
On questioning Betty about her World Champion we
learned that she docs not plan to breed him at all this year
but no committment has yet been made regarding his
show-ring activity. It is our guess that she will bring him
back again next year and try for a repeat performance
at the Celebration. Time will tell!
BLACK DUST is still standing at stud here and if
Betty can get a few of his colts in the showring he should
prove to be a popular stallion for people wanting founda
tion blood.
This And That
JOIM CARTER STABLES—Mr. Onzie Culbertson and his
wife Lake have recently returned to Kingsport where Onzie is
working as,assistant trainer at the John T. Carter Stables.
Thompson Stables
Word in the Walking Horse business is that the team of
Vic Thompson and Mack Motes is “red hot.” These two
just seem to click on everything. Their accomplishments
at the Celebration this past year kept the Vic Thompson
Stable record on top as having the “winning’est” Amateur
and Juvenile exhibitors in the annual classic. Vic won a
total of seven blues last year at the Celebration. His
record in the past includes several records for blue ribbons
that we feel will be hard to beat in the years to come.
The VOICE phone has been ringing lately as interest:
people asked for confirmation of the “rumor” th;
JOHNNY MIDNIGHT has been moved to the V
Thompson Stable. We checked and it is a fact. Owne
Larry and Clinton Cribble of McMinnville, took tl
popular black stallion to Vic’s a few weeks ago and woi
is that Vic will show him this year. Vic Thompson an
JOHNNY MIDNIGHT!! That should give stake, cla
hopefuls something to think about.
Tid bits of news that has reached us recently states
that Steve Hill is making great progress with THE
colt, now a three year old, that sold for top dollar last year.
Steve brought him out late last season and he still shows
great promise.
We also learned that Benvis Beachboard has a two
year old that has a lot of people talking. His name is THE
MEDICINE MAN and he is by MACK K and he is
owned by Mr. Paul Mathews of Shelbyville. We will
have more about Benvis Beachboard from Bell Buckle
Word has recently come to us that Don Bell, a young
trainer from Boaz, Alabama, is now doing a six month
tour of duty with the National Guard. He is supposed to
return about the middle of July in time to make some of
the late, summer shows and to get his stock in shape for
the Celebration.
Heart Of Dixie Stables
Our good friend “Big Bruce” Wright sends us word of
the events at the Heart of Dixie Stables of Dr. N. S.
Luton, Phenix City, Alabama. Trainer Billy Cantrell, who
has gained valuable experience for a young trainer at
such stables as Soltitude Stock Farm, is now working about
ten head of horses and doing very well. Billy went to
work for Dr. Luton in May of 1966 and since then has
made a place for himself in Dixie.
Heading the list of horses is SUN’S VAGABOND, a
i\e year old bay stud that Billy will be riding as his stake
“ Als° in the age classes will be GLORY’S BUR-
Rnvcu flVe ycar old baV mare by GLORY’S MERRV
T, ' • e is a good mare and should do well this year.
ree year olds are also well represented with GO BOY S
VOICE of the Tennessee Walking Horse