1967-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1967 March Voice RS | Page 13
the announcer, trainer Doug Wolaver reversed his horse
and let out all the stops.” Pandemonium siezed the
audience as this popular stallion headed around the turn
and down the straightaway in a thrilling display of a
flawless running walk. Needless to say, Mr. Gottlob
Koenig and Mrs. Ellen Metzger, his owners, were justly
proud of their stallion.
What was the big attraction of TRIPLE THREAT
for so many people? To begin with, he was a remarkable
animal. Seasoned Walking Horse enthusiasts seemed to
sense the potential greatness of this horse as a breeder.
The big question was “could he pass on his own great
qualities to his offspring”? Actually it was positive proof
of this ability that lead Mr. Gottlob Koenig to purchase
him in the first place. In the winter of 1963 word had
spread around Middle Tennessee of an outstanding year
ling colt by TRIPLE THREAT that was at the Suits-Me
Farms in Murfreesboro. Mr. Koenig and his daughter
Mrs. Ellen Metzger had heard about the colt and after
seeing him made the purchase. As part of the sale thev
also bought his dam RADIANT LADY, an outstanding
brood mare.
This was the beginning! TRIPLE THREAT AGAIN,
as he was soon named, was moved to Port Orange
Stables and as a coming two-year-old colt, and was started
by Kenneth Black, trainer, for Mr. Koenig in Daytona
Beach. It was soon obvious that this was not an ordinary-
horse and he was moved to Middle Tennessee to the Har
old Wise Stables, where his sire TRIPLE THREAT had
been standing at stud after his remarkable 1965 Cele
bration victory. This was the proof that people had been
seeking. Walking Horse enthusiasts from all over the
country soon learned about the “Triple Threat colt” at
Harold Wise’s Barn. As a two-year-old he was moved to
the Doug Wolaver Stables late in the year and was
shown for the first time in Montgomery, Alabama, in
November. His blue ribbon victory in a grueling four-
workout contest with some of the best, is now a well
known feat.
The future of a breeding horse does not hang on one
outstanding colt, however TRIPLE THREAT had a most
successful season in 1966 and his bookings for 1967 are
excellent. Colts by this outstanding horse will be plentiful
this next year and there will probably be some outstanding
two year olds by him in the show ring this year. He was
a srong horse in the ring and will probably be equally
as strong as a breeding stallion.
What about blood lines? TRIPLE THREAT has some
of the best! He is by SUN’S QUARTERBACK who is
DIMPLE, a dam with HUNTER’S ALLEN blood. His
dam was TENSA’S GYPSY GIRL, who was by WAR-
TRACE, a noted sire of his day. WARTRACE was by
WILSON’S ALLEN which adds additional depth to the
FOOT was the second .dam in this line and she was by
With this type of breeding it is no wonder that TRIPLE
THREAT has proven to be such an outstanding horse.
It was a loss to the breed that TENSA’S GYPSI GIRL
died without having another colt. She would have been
one of the truly outstanding dams of the breed.
TRIPLE THREAT begins his second season as an
active breeder at the Harold Wise Stables this year. His
stud fee has been set at $250.00, a price that will enable
most breeders to take advantage of the potential of this
champion. For further information contact Mr. Harold
Wise, Lewisburg, Tennessee.
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