1967-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1967 March Voice RS | Page 12
Dou? will have his hands full this season with a stable
full of fine horses. He is again working GO BOY’S MISS
CINDY a top mare owned by Mr. and Mrs. Marshall
Ledbetter of Columbia. TRIPLE THREAT AGAIN is
also an item of interest as Doug prepares him for the 1967
season. This remarkable three year old capped the ’66
season by winning the Southern Championship at Mont
gomery. Owners Gotlob Koenig and Ellen Metzger of
Daytona Beach, Florida, have high hopes that this big bay
will follow on his sires footsteps. Another three year old
Circle 4 Horse Farm
Mr. Paul Wiener, owner of the Circle Four Horse Farm
in Ccdartown, Georgia, is looking forward to a big year in
several respects. He has recently acquired the services of
Mr. E. M. Shiver, as head trainer and has launched a
major breeding program with three fine stallions. Heading
the list of breeding stock is SOCIETY’S SURPRISE, a
ten year old SOCIETY MAN stud with an impressive
showring and breeding record. Also in demand for breed
ing purposes this year will be MIDNIGHT PAT H and
SUN’S COPPER KING, two other fine stallions that
show excellent promise as breeding horses.
Mr. Shiver comes to Circle Four with an impressive
career as a long-time professional trainer. He was pre
viously in South Georgia with the T-Ville Stables. As
sisting him in his duties at the larm will be Lester Gray,
farm manager. We recently learned that part of the train
ing horses for Mr. Shiver will be located next to the farm
stables in a barn formerly occupied by trainer Harvey
LcFcver. They have some top young stock now under
saddle as well as some fine age horses. Circle 4 Farms
will be well represented when the gate opens this Spring.
Jack Rucker Stables
Last summer we had a short writeup about the Jack
Rucker Stables located just north of Columbus, Georgia.
Jack, at that time, had a fine small stable and a few
good Walking Horses that he was working and showing
himself. Following the route that most of us travel in this
business, he recently started building onto his barn and
started looking for a full time trainer. He has been for
tunate to acquire the services of Mr. Harvey LeFever,
well known North Georgia trainer, and they have set up
a full scale operation for the care and training of show
horses. We heard that Harvey took over fifteen training
horses with him when he moved. It looks as if they will
be working overtime to get their stable finished and their
horses in shape for the coming season. However, Harvey
is a very accomplished trainer and we should hear a lot
more about the Jack Rucker Stables later on.
Wolaver Stables
As usual, the Doug Wolaver Stables always has some
news of interest to Walking Horse fans. Big item at the
Wolaver Stables is the arrival of GO BOY’S SUNDUST.
Tin's top stake horse has been moved by owners Dr. B. S.
Henry and Miss Janice Henry of Russellville, Alabama,
from the Bud Dunn Stables in Florence. Bud Dunn has
achieved fame with this horse with his “above board”
approach to showing him. He has never dodged a com
petitor nor picked a show and managed to keep him at
the top for over three seasons. We hear that it was by
mutual agreement that this horse be moved, in the hope
that Doug could repeat his performance on TRIPLE
THREAT and take GO BOY’S SUNDUST to the top at
the Celebration.
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by Dr. and Mrs. Bill Jones of Fayetteville, Tennessee.
Doug showed this particular colt only a few times last year
and did well with him in the Futurity. He is one of those
“strolling” colts that is just now finding out where his feet
are supposed to go. He should do well.
Doug has a lot of fine two year olds but one has re
cently been brought to our attention. Mr. Forrest Mar
graves of Union, Kentucky, recently paid top dollar for a
fine HANDSHAKER filly. He bought her from Dick
Pate of Rossville, Tennessee.
MACK K’S HANDSHAKER will be returning to
Cornersville shortly to meet his committments as a breed
ing horse in the Middle Tennessee basin. This popular
World’s Grand Champion has already met with great
success in Macon, Georgia, standing at Fickling Rivoli
Farms. We hear that he will be standing at the Wolaver
Farm and not at the new show stable.
John T. Carter Stables
Upper East Tennessee is alive with activity and interest
is at an all time high for this time of the year. John T.
Carter, working out of the Robinwood Farms Stable
in Kingsport, has picked up a considerable amount of
local area support for one horse in particular. His name
. . . WARLOCK! This four year old bay stallion, in our
opinion, can go with the best of them. Fie is owned by
“Pop” Waggoner of Kingsport, and was shown only one
or two times at small shows last year. By the WITCH
DOCTOR and out of a ROMEO ALLEN mare he stands
16 hands and is a beautiful horse. After seeing him work,
we just don’t see how a Walking Horse could be improved
much over this one. Watch for him and remember the
the name . . . WARLOCK. It means “Wizard” and this
horse is just that when it comes to performance.
Assisting with the riding and showin