1967-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1967 March Voice RS | Page 15
A challenge for your present feeding program:
We say you can get
better bloom
and more vigor with
Milk-Bank Feed Programs
But prove it to yourself; the bank of milk nutrients pays.
Nutrition makes a difference
Feed Formula*
lor heroes
in a horse’s vigor, bloom, and
health—and you can prove it.
Kraft will give you free feed
formulas and performance
chart so you can match your
present rations against a Milk-Bank program.
amino acids)—plus important minerals, vitamins, and
growth factors.
Your stallions will have more vigor and staying
power on Milk-Bank rations. All your horses will have
better bloom, glossier coats.
Mares stay in better condition through foaling, and
Milk-Bank formulas are built around Pace Feed have more milk. Their f