By Judy Byers Killerx , Alabama
There are many good Walking Horses and horse enthusiasts around the Lawrenceburg , Tennessee area . SARA LOWERY , wife of Dr . JAMES LOWERY , D . V . M ., invited me to visit some of these people and see their horses . I had a very enjoyable morning , as I love to talk horses and shows . Before Mrs . Lowery took me on the tour she showed me the pretty yearling Merry Go Boy filly they raised from a Sun Dust mare . The filly is black and loose enough . They have sold the remainder of their stock and the Sun Dust mare now belongs to EMMITT JORDAN .
We drove over to Emmitt Jordan ’ s barn to visit with him and his fine family . They have a small efficient operation with about 4 top bred mares that are bred to World Champions . The mares and colts are all slick and fat , the barn is the right size and clean , and they are raising good colts . A black mare , Blondie Midnight , is a granddaughterofMidnight Sun and is in foal to Sun ’ s Delight . She has a Sun Dust colt in training with BUD DUNN and a yearling colt by Handshaker that looks good . Go Boy ’ s Miss Beverly is a black mare by Merry Go Boy in foal to Midnight Sun . She is the dam of Mooiiglow ’ s Go Boy and a Midnight Sun filly being trained by GEORGE WITT . Sue Society Doll is by Society Maxi and has a Midnight Sun colt by her side , and is bred back to him . Doliy Bell Rady is the
Sun Dust mare Dr . Lowery sold Jordan . She has a black filly by Midnight Sun by her side now . Mr . Jordan has a black Midnight Sun - Merry Go Boy yearling stallion and a black Handshaker filly that should make fine prospects . He also has a two-year-old Go Boyfilly thathemay keep for a brood mare .
The Jordans all work together on the horses and even the little grandchildren love them . They have a little pony mare that raised a filly by Little Surprise , the pleasure pony ridden by JERRY JESTER a few years ago .
We went by to see JERRY and DOCK JESTER . They have quite a few horses for training in their barn , as well as about ten brood mares bred to Ebony Masterpiece and Go Boy ’ s Aristocrat , their own stallion . They own and farm about 80 acres on Route 5 , Lawrenceburg . Jerry showed me a pretty sorrel four-year-old pony by Mighty Little Man that he is working for S . W . BEECH . The pony goes by the name of Little Evil , which doesn ’ t seem to fit him now as it did when he was being broke to ride . We ’ ll be looking forward to seeing him in the Walking Pony classes and Jerry should do well with him . Sunshine ’ s Little Man is a three-year-old black pony by Goodman ’ s Sunshine that Jerry owns . This pony is not as far along in his training but looks good . Go Boy ’ s Dream Girl is a three-year-old filly that took blue ribbons at several shows last season and the Jesters are expecting to take more this year . G . C . GAMBILL owns a twoyear-old Go Boy filly that they are training and will show . Jerry showed me a two-year-old stallion by Handshaker that had the finest head and ears and is black , too . The colt is Handshaker ’ s Little Man and I ’ m anxious to see if he can do as well as he looks . 1 didn ’ t see all of their horses work , as they ride in the afternoon usually and I arrived too early .
We went by BOB WRIGHT and EVERETT MARTIN ’ S new training barn but missed Bob . Everett was riding his Aristocratic Allen horse when we stopped there . I will go back some other time when I can see them ride the horses . Sara Lowery did show me the Mack K mare Bob is training for her to ride in the Amateur classes . There were several other places to visit in Lawrenceburg but I had to be back home in time to go to the Athens Horse Show . The show got underway at 1 P . M . with 20classes , ending with a barrel race class . The afternoon performances were judged by Miss DOROTHY ' DUKES of Brentwood , Tennessee . The evening show , beginning at 7:30 P . M ., gave $ 2,000 in prize money and was judged by ED EZELL , JR . EMMETT GUY was the Master of Ceremonies and there
were 13classesofgoodhorses . There was a tremendous crowd there in the Fairgrounds to see Gunsmoke ’ s Son given the blue ribbon in the Stallion and Gelding Class , with Sun Dust Perfection tied second . BUDDY HUGH and BUD DUNN were riding the real competition horses in the class but there were several other good horses . These same two riders met again in the three-year-old class , with Sun Dust Precision and Bud coming out on top . The blue ribbon in the Amateur class was taken by JAMES K . TAYLOR on Moonglow Jr .
The St . Joseph , Tennessee Saddle and Bridle Club had a horse show May 8 with pleasure horse classes for every type of horse and every age rider , as well as Walking Horses with set tails for amateurs and beginners . If you could have seen the size of the crowd and the number of horses , you would have been surprised . With 12 classes there were still 20 or more horses in every class . The Mens ’ Pleasure Class alone had 50 horses entered , and the ladies numbered 28 in their class . The children ’ s group went welloverthatdespitethe fact that there were pony classes and quarter horse classes for them too . Everyone had a wonderful time showing and watching , and it didn ’ t matter if they didn ’ t win a ribbon .
These clubs are fine for the whole family and most every member of a family had a horse to show . Good business for the horse industry .
Another shot in the arm for the horse business was the Murray Farm Sale with some of the highest prices on brood mares and show horses with the best stock going through the sale I have seen .
18 VOICE of the Tennessee Walking Horse