1964-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1964 March Voice | Page 31

Florida Walking Horse Association , urges all members of the Association to make a special effort to support the show in St . Petersburg on April 5 . Mr . Ellis emphasizes that Walking Horse exhibitors must participate in large numbers in shows offering Walking Horse classes in order to encourage other shows to offer more and more Walking classes . His ambition for the not-too-distant future is a class for Florida owned Walking Horses .
MARCH 1964
School Days For Virginians . . . Arden N . Huff announces that a two-day horse science clinic will be held April 10-11 , 1964 , at the Tidewater Horse and Pony Association , Greenbrier Farms , South Military Highway , Chesapeake , Va . The clinic offering an “ advanced course ” the first day and a “ general school ” the second day will be of benefit to horse and pony owners , 4-H horse and pony project members and leaders , and professional agricultural workers . There will be outstanding speakers and demonstrations from the Tidewater area and from across the Old Dominion . Clinic instructors will include local and state horsemen , Veterinarians , and staff members from the Virginia Polytechnic Institute , Extension Service , representing the Agronomy , Veterinary Science , and Animal Science Departments . The public is cordially invited . Tidewater , Virginia , horsement especially are urged to attend .
Another horse clinic , sponsored by the Virginia Agricultural Extension Service and a committee of Northern Virginia Agricultural Extension Service and a committee of Northern Virginia 4-H horse and pony project leaders , will be held at the Culpeper Agricultural Enterprises on June 16 , 1964 . This clinic has been planned primarily for northern Virginia adult and junior leaders working with the 4 - H light horse-pony project groups . There will be demonstrations pertaining to a broad area of horse husbandry and horsemanship , including feeding , stable management , health , and fitting and showing . The public is invited and northern Virginia horsemen are especially urged to attend . Additional information about the climc may be obtained from eM “ Archibald Cox , Great Falls , Virgima .
1 * L .° ve A Parade 1 " ... The 116th Anniversary Gold Discovery ay Parade in Coloma , California , was greatly enhanced this year by the participation of splendid Tennessee Walking Horses owned and ridden by members of the Northern California Tennessee Walking Horse Association . Mrs . Ruth Christman , riding COLOMA GOLD , a palomino mare and Lester Porter , riding PAT ’ S GRACE , a dark gold palomino mare , led the Tennessee Walking Horse unit and carried between them a striking royal purple and gold banner . They were followed by Pres Mc-
Caleb on MIDNIGHT LADY , a flaxen mare and Helen Porter on TAWNY UPTOWN , a buckskin stallion . Mr . and Mrs . Richard Lawton followed next on a beautiful matched pair of Walking Horses . This unit must have been an impressive sight because they won a blue ribbon which Mr . and Mrs . Lawton are holding at present for the group . They expect to participate again next year and hope others will join their unit . It is interesting to note that all the Walking Horses that were ridden in the parade are using trail horses .
Suggestion For Spring . . . Dr . J . P . Gardner of Kingston , Ohio , writes : Since Winter with its snow and rains Will cause a lot of aches and pains , The Spring-time tonic I endorse Is found astride a Walking Horse !
A Tennessee Walking Horse also has inspired another author . Fifteen-year-old Ann Hopkins of Preston , Maryland , chose MOON­ BEAM ROMANCE , her favorite Tennessee Walking Horse , as the topic of an interesting English composition .
case send us both your old address and mr new . Allow 30 days for change .
VOICE PUBLISHING COMPANY P . O . Box 3054 Chattanooga , Tennessee 37404
Gene Stark has been selected as Manager of the 1964 Washington State Open Horse Show and Washington State University Judging School by the Horse Show Committee of the Yakima Chamber of Commerce . This show will take place May 29 , 30 , 31 at Yakima Meadows on the Central Washington Fairgrounds in Yakima , Washington .
Mr . Gene Stark , Manager of the 1964 Washington State Open Horse Show .
Mr . Stark has been directly associated with light horse work for more than 25 years . He was on the Washington State University staff from 1948 to 1953 and 1955 to 1960 serving as Horseman at WSU Hilltop Stables and as Horse Specialist and Instructor in Animal Science . While at Washington State University he was assistant manager of the WSU Horse Show and Judging School under Dr . M . E . Ensminger , former Chairman of the WSU Department of Animal Science . Mr . Stark has been a recognized judge in the American Horse Shows Association for 10 years , carrying approval in 10 divisions . Mr . Stark is currently Field Secretary with the Washington Horse Breeders Association and writes a monthly column “ From Farm To Track ,” for the Washingion Horse magazine . Mr . Stark assures exhibitors and spectators that the Show which was moved from Pullman to Yakima this year will maintain the same high cali­