1964-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1964 March Voice | Page 30
(Continued from Page 1})
Shelbyville, Tennessee. She rode
FAIR WARNING, former World’s
Champion Mare, who is owned by
Mrs. Thompon. FAIR WARNING
became World’s Champion Three-
Year - Old Mare and World's
Champion Aged Mare when she
was owned by Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Bales of Thomasville, North Caro
lina. C. A. Bobo rode her to the
At the 1963 Celebration, when
she was fifteen year old, Doodles
vaulted from juvenile competiton
to enter the all-age amateur class
and won the World’s Championship
on FAIR WARNING over a bril
liant field of older contestants.
Her horse and Doodles herself have
been trained since early in 1962
by Wallace Brandon of Grapevine,
This year Doodles is riding FAIR
WARNING again, and is winning
Stanley H. Arnolt, prominent
owner and exhibitor of Tennessee
Walking Horses and former presi
dent of the Tennessee Walking
Horse Breeders’ and Exhibitors’
Association, died in Chicago, Illi
nois in December, 1963. Mr. Arnolt,
who was fondly known as “Wacky”
to many friends, lived in Warsaw,
Indiana. He was president of the
S. H. Arnolt Corporation, owning
plants in Warsaw and in Califor
nia. He also owned several automo
bile dealerships and built Arnolt-
Bristol sports cars which he raced
himself successfully.
Mr. Arnolt was the commander
of the Indiana Civil Air Patrol
and held the rank of colonel in
the U. S. Air Force. He was promi
nent in the United States defense
program, as his companies’ pro
ducts were largely manufactured
for government use.
At the time of his death Mr. Ar
nolt was serving on the Presdent’s
Advisory Board of the Breeders