ber as in the past with outstanding judges , excellent facilities and a fast moving show .
Manager Stark has named Mr . Norris K . Carnes as a Judge for the Show . Mr . Carnes ’ experience and training qualify him to judge all types of light horses . He is a recognized judge of the American Horse Shows Association and the Canadian Horse Shows Association . He has judged shows throughout the United States for thirty years , including Devon , Pennsylvania ; Chicago , Illinois ; Milwaukie , Wisconsin ; Lansing , Michigan ; the Michigan State Fair ; Ohio State Fair ; the Ohio Mid-Western Horse Show and Rodeo ; Iowa State Fair , the Ohio Mid-Western Horse Show and Rodeo ; Iowa State Fair ; Calgary , Alberta ; Edmonton . Alberta ; Regina , Saskatchewan ; Winnipeg , Manitoba ; Seattle , Washington ; Spokane , Washington ; Missoula , Montana , the National Morgan Horse Show at Northampton , Massachusetts on three occasions and many more . He also judged at the American Royal Horse Show in Kansas City , Missouri , in October , 1963 .
Mr . Norris K . Carnes , judge for the 1964 Washington State Open Horse Show .
Mr . Carnes is First Vice-President of the Minnesota State Fair and has been Chairman of its Horse Show for many years . He is First Vice-President of the Minnesota Livestock Breeders Association and is an Animal Husbandry gra-
by Elaine and Harold Thacker Rt . 5 , Winston-Salem , N . C .
During the month of February Elaine and I visited two Walking Horse Stables in the State . At each Stable we visited , we saw many outstanding horses .
We started with one of the finest and largest walking horse barns in the state , Rolling Acres Farm in Thomasville , N . C . Mr . C . A . Bobo is the trainer at Rolling Acres Farm . His barn consists of thirty-four stalls . We spent a very delightful half - day watching him work out his horses . The first horse we saw was a chestnut stallion , JUNE ’ S DIAMOND . This stallion is owned by Mr . Bob Davis and Mr . Link Spainhour . This horse is one of Mr . Bobo ’ s top three-year-olds . MISS SUN DOWN R owned by Dr . R . R . Renfrow , Fayetteville , N . C . is a top threeyear-old mare . She was shown last year as a very successful twoyear-old by Mr . Bobo . “ Charlie ” has several promising two-yearolds at the barn . MIDNIGHT DARK LADY , out of a GO BOY SHADOW mare by MIDNIGHT
duate from the University of Minnesota , where he earned his B . S . and M . S . degrees .
In private life his work is with other types of livestock , as he is General Manager of the Central Livestock Association , Inc ., of South St . Paul , Minnesota , the largest livestock selling agency in the world . In June , 1962 , Mr . Carnes was elected the Minnesota representative on the Board of Directors of the National Livestock and Meat Board .
Other judges of this stature will be named in the near future .
MIKE , which is a fine combination hard to beat , is his leading twoyear-old mare . This black mare is owned by Brenda Smith from Lexington , N . C . We saw a fine twoyear-old bay stallion SUN ’ S GO BOY CRUSADER by SUN ’ S GO BOY . This stallion is owned by Mr . and Mrs . Ed Hubbard , Sanford , N . C . SUNDOWN ’ S FIRST LADY has proved to be a “ First Lady ” in the ring . This mare , owned by Charlie Waters of Alexanders , La ., is an outstanding sixyear-old mare . At Rolling Acres Stables there is also another fine mare . This black five-year-old mare is known as HIGH HAT SHADY LADY . Many top honors came her way last year . She is owned by Mr . J . J . Cignitto of Pennsylvania .
The Stallions at Mr . Bobo ’ s Stables are not to be outdone by these fine mares . One of Mr . Bobo ’ s outstanding stallions is SUN ’ S TOP BRASS . Around the stables he is known as “ Bo Jack .” “ Bo Jack ” is owned by Mr . C . A . Bobo of Thomasville and Mr . Ben Hashe of Greenville , Tenn . The first show Mr . Bobo will attend will be at Pilot , N . C . on the outskirts of Thomasville . The date of this show is March 28 .
The next stables we visited was Northwood Stables , High Point , N . C . Mr . Kenny Price , trainer , rode several of his top horses for us . Among the horses he rode were two chestnut stallions , SUNDOWN BILLIE , owned by Mr . Harold Eames , Greensboro , N . C .. and AF TER SUN owned by Mr . H . C . Reaves , Asheboro , N . C . DIAMOND LIL ’ S SHADOW , a roan stallion , won many championship classes