1962-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1962 March Voice | Page 26

Dr . McForlond Cites
Heqrt Of Americ < l
Hqndbooks Avqilqble
At Wqsh . Stqte U .
PLEASURE HORSES ( Broke for onyone to ride )

Dr . McForlond Cites

( Corttinued lront Page 1 )
astounding ," a harness fi . rm proprietor is ouoted Is saving . He added " riding
has ' graclually but " firmly takcn hold . as a sport that an average person can lnduige in without being thought Iancy ' c , r ihowing off , or eccentric ."
Dr . McF ' arland says families riding lor pleasure grow olten into lamilies * untittg to , fro * horses and that the
State 6t Tennessee Profits largelY when these people set out to get fine
horses . He ursed the horse show Promoters to take ail possible pains to-i < eep their shows above approach , so their shows can attract th^e- best kind of people , an < l the new-found friends of the horse industry will prove great advocates for this type^ of recreational activity .
He oointed out that the amateurs are th6 people who PaY^the waY , and provide the necessarv hnanctal supbort for the horse industry . AII possible efforts should be made to Prove that the horse shows are honest and worthv of their support ' he added . Dr .' McFarland , trii wile and daughter are annual visitors to Shelbyville durins thc Tennessee Walking Horse
Natioial Celebration-and are widely known here . Last year an illustrated brochure was distributed to tell the story o [ the McFar ] and Farms at
Tooeka-and promote the Tennessee witt ing Horie as a strperior breed '
It was widely acclaimecl as a contrlbution to the industrY .
In his .] ackson remarks the-speaker was addr " essing backers of all horse breeds but his ' iemarks were especially
Dertinent with respect to the Teni .," rr "" Walking Horse-with its citadei of activity in Shelbyville and its greatest develoPment in the lZ-county " algu of N { icldle Tennessee historically known as " Tennessee Walking Florse ( -iotrntrv ." ' I ' he phospate in the soil ot this ilca is regirdecl by agricultural scientists as a iecret of the breednoted for its firm bone structure , stamina and docility in disposition .

Heqrt Of Americ < l

( Cotttinued fron Page 2 )) - - another show . A vote is taken bY the members to determine location after invitations are received from shows .
The association donates rather gener " ouslv to this " official show ."
Tipton , Mo . won the 196l show and Soririsfield . Mo . is the choice for the tboz Yomcial show " sometime in Sep-
Hqndbooks Avqilqble
On Stockmen ' s Course

At Wqsh . Stqte U .

Another historY-making event in the erowth of " horse appreciation "
in thi United States took place during December , 1961 , when the Washington State University ' s Animal Science Dept . issued three handbooks covering in hctail proceedings of the I lth annual Stockmen ' s Short Course held at Pullman .
Three exhaustive handbooks were printed-ancl thcy are available [ or distribution 10 interested p er son s rhroughout this nation . They form a virtua " l library o [ late information about horses , cattle , swine , sheep , and relatecl subjects . Two are bound in hard covers " and the more voluminous Stockmen ' s Handbook on cattle , swine , sheep , etc ., consists of hundreds of oases in ' cardboard cover ' doits of these handbooks are : Public Relations Handbook , $ 2 Plus
4 oer cent tax ; ' Stud Ilanager ' s Handbook , dealing in all phases 6f the light horse industrv . li4 plus 4 per cent tax ; ' Sto . k *" tt ' t Handbook , $ 6 plus 4 per cent tax .
Chairman of the Animal Science
Dcpt . is Dr . NI . E . Ensminger , who wrote the U . S . DePt of Agriculture Farmets ' Bulletin in-I958 on the Light
Horse Breeds . This bulletin replaced the one on this sub ' iect issued in 1950 wherein the Tennessee Walking Horse was first recognized bY the Federal Govelnment . -( This momentous development in history of the breed is told ' on Page 89 of ihe book-Biggraphy of the Tennessee \\ ralking Horse .)
Dr . ' Ensminger told the Editor of this magazine ihat handbooks 1nll ' ne
securecl " bl ' rvriting to him at \\' ashington State Universlty , Pullman , \\' ash .
tember .
The Association with five new ones lor 3-year terms . has 15 directors chosen each year
Officers Announced Officers for 1962 are : President , Roland Dickinson , Brighton , Mo .; vicepresident , Edward Sappington , Caliiornia , Mo .; secretary-treasurer , Mrs .
Aileen Richardson , Lee ' s Summit , NIo '
Officers for l96l were : President , Clifford Austin , Tina , Mo .; vice-president , Roland Dickinson , Brighton ' Mo .; secretary-treasurer , Mrs . Aileen Richardson , Lee ' s Summit , Mo .


A Few Selected TOP
Morch , 1962




( Horses thot hqve been shown ond proved-ond onyone con ride )

42 Brood Mores

( Come ond select Your choice-
Bred to such world ' s chomPions os Midnight Sun , MerrY Go BoY ond Setting Sun )
PLEASURE HORSES ( Broke for onyone to ride )


SETTING SUN (' 1958 World ' s Grond Chompion )
These con be seen only ol


Phone 893-7248 " Americd ' s lorgesf ssles barn "