1962-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1962 March Voice | Page 27

Stanfing At Stud MERRY BOY ' S MAJOR No . 462820 Sire Hinkle ' s Allen 440552 by Merry Bov .
Seeks More Shows
Voice of the Tennessee Wolking Horse 25

I0-Yeqr-Old Jqn Wright Spurs Dqd ' s lnterest ln

Take a look rrt the \\ -r-ight family , the gr-anclfather . father , and the mothel rrith l () -r' ear-old Jan Wrightshorvn on tire back page . Isn ' t that a happr ' -lookine qr-rariet . At d look at those ribbor . rs collectecl by young Jan in her thr-ee r ears of riding-and gazc at hanclsorle Trainer Bill Moorc with
Jan .
Thar r ,' hole page radiates the happiness made possible by a love for Tenne ssee \\' alking llorses-a love expressed through maintaining a Walking Horse stable and ricling these animals for both show and pleasure .
The Voice Editor saw the Wright
Family portrait in the 1961 Celebration Blue Ribbon and wrote to the grandfather , i \{. S . \,\ rright , asking that it be publishecl in an ad in this first issue . ( The Editor has never met the Wrights ) . Here is the letter that we received from the son , Joe Wright ,
vice-president of the Texas Farm Products Co . of Nacogdoches . The grandfather ', ] I . S . Wright , is chairman oI the board for that big firmmannfacturers of Lone Star Brands feecls and fertilizers . Steele Wright is president ancl G . L . \ A / eaver is secretarv-treasuref .

Stanfing At Stud MERRY BOY ' S MAJOR No . 462820 Sire Hinkle ' s Allen 440552 by Merry Bov .

Dom Allen ' s Moiorette 421306 Bright sorrel , bcld , 3 high stockings , floxen mone cnd toil . Sire of noturol run wolk colts . $ 75.00 to reg . mqres LIBERACE ' S PLAYBOY No . 590720 Sire Eogle ' s Mr . Libercce 541209 Dom Bond Rolly 453170 Bright sorrel , bold , 4 high stockings , white floxen mone & tqil . First colts from him this spring good run wolkers with closs .
$ 100.00 to reg . mores Wolkers for sole ot oll times
Rhome , North Dokoto
13 miles west of Bowmon on u . s . H . t2 Phone BR 9-342A

Show Horses

Here ' s Joe ' s self-explanatorl , letter : " I ) ear Mr . Green : " In reply to your letter to my fathcr , NIr . Nf . S . Wright , we will be huppy to take a page ad in the first edition of your Tennessee Walking
Florse magazirre and wish you great success with this magazine as we feel therc is great need for it .
" Enclosed is a rough copy of what we thought should go in the magazine . ' Ihe family group , as was in the
Celebration magazine , we feel is a little dated , particularly with regard to our daughter , Jan , who is the primary reason we are in the Tennessee
Walking Horse business . Also included is a picture of Jan and our trainer , Bill Moore , showing trophies which brings her up to date
" I tried to get my father ro rvrite you why he has been interested in thc
Tennessec Walking Horse for such a long time , but had no success . Our interest in Tennessee Walking Horses started with my Mother and Father ' s Iove of riding-we think there is no better pleasure than riding a Tennessee \ 4ralking FIorse . " Father and Mother ride near every day whcn wcather permits . Father is 78 years old . , l \ s I statcd , rny interest is with my l0-ycar-old daughter . This will be the fourth season she has sholvn Tennessee Walking Horses . We keep lrom 20 to 25 horses in training and oul trainer is Bill Moore from Calhoun , Geolgia , rvho ' n ' as lolmcrly associatcd with Davis Blos , at Calhoun and G ] enn Turner of Dallas , ' fexas .
" I show horses occasionally and we intend to corltinue with the Tennessec \ Valking llorses-breeding and sho ' rving . l { ost of our horses are } Iiclnight
Sr , ur bloocled horses rrith some Go Bov enrl Shatlorr '. Thi : give \ \ orr a bliei backgrouncl of rrhat l ' e are doing
rrith Tennessee I \' alking Horses and
if ; rou rvoulcl like information for future articles , we will be glad to furnish you something in detail further don ' n the line .
" I might add that we have certainly enjoyed your book-The l3iography . Looking forward to lnccting you sorretime in the near future . ( Signed Joe Wright .)"

N . Y . Associotion

Seeks More Shows

That ambitious , energetic New York-New England Walking F :[ orse Assn ., Inc ., became nine months old
Jan . 4 , 1962 , and held its quarterly
meeting at the Diplomat Restaurant , Utica , N . Y ., reports Publicity Chairman Glanr Bothamley , 248 Oneida St ., New Hartford , N . Y .
Association president is Alan Stevenson , P . O . Box 24 , IJtica , executive director of the New york State Division of the American Cancer Society-a dynamic , devored lriend . of the Tcnnessee Walking Florse .
Urrder his leadership the association is making several definite moves to get more \ A / alking Horse classes in more
shows . Already they have arranged for classes irr the N . Y . State Breeclers ' Assn ., Inc ., Florse Show at the Statc Fa-ir Coliseurn , Syracuse , N . y ., June r-3 .
Bothamley reports a tentative list o-f shorvs pianning to include Walking
Horse classes includes :
P . H . A ., Syracuse ; N . Y . State Breeders , Syracuse ; Clinton ; Utica Horsemen ' s at Marcy ; St . Judes at Troy ;
Great Barrington , Mass .; Mohawk Vallcy Hr-rnt Club , New Hartforcl ; Bath , N . Y .; Ballston Spa , N . y .; Utic : r I { orsernen ' s tsall Shor , r '.
Next association rneetine is March
3l at I l : 30 a . m . at the Sheraton Hotel ,
Syracuse , N . Y . at Exit 35 at the N . y . State Throughrvay . Visitors are invited . Officers will be elected .
( In his letrer to members Grant l } othamley urges all to subscribe to the Voice of the Tennessee Walking l { orse . He also praises the Biography
of the ' Iennessee \' Valking Horse , cills it a " must " in er . ery library and says :
"] Ir . Green has done more for the
\\ -alking Horse in these publications
than mosr people can imagine .")
FOR SATE J . G . Wolker , Wortroce , Tenn .
Phone FU 9.6t90