1962-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1962 March Voice | Page 25
of the Tennessee Wolking Horse
Heqrt Of Americq Wqlkers Awqrd Point Winner Trophies
Awaril winners on points at the Heafi of Anterica Walking
Horse Assn. conaentiott, baseil upon show recorils in 7967,
are pictureil atter presentations. From lelt are: CarI Elges,
Clinton, Mo.; Dennis Akhoft, Calilorniao Mo.; Dr" J. R. Popejoy, Calilorniao trIo,; Mrs. Herbert Jeans, Colutnbia, Mo.;
Walton StanfiIl, Marshall, Mo.; Eroin. Schroeiler, Sedalia, Mo.;
The Heart of America Walking
Horse Assn. held its annual dinner
meeting and awards presentations at
the Old ]Iissouri Homestead in Sedalia, IIo., Sunday, Feb. 4, Some 170
horselovers were present to enjoy the
bounti f ul meal, "talk Walking
Horses" and applaud the winners of
the lovely ribbons and tophies. Winners received awards for points accumulated during the 1961 show
season. They were:
CoIt Class
between Edward Sapping-
ton and his grandson, Dennis Althofi.
Sunset owned and shown by Sappington and Satin's Shadow, shown by
Althoff and owned by Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Sappington;
Second-Go Boy's Glory, ownecl ancl
shown by the Sappingtons.
Thirrl-Countlv Squile, on'rretl br
Don Cook, shorr-n by Bill f faack, Si.
Tu-o.Year Class
First-Jet's Radiation, ortner Ed
Loeffier; rider Don Bolinger.
Second-Go Blue Boy, orvner Harold Williams; rider Bill Maack, Jr.
Third-Naughty Nancy Lee, owner
Max Atkinson: rider Leroy Stoneking.
First-Midnight Bell E., owner-rider
Carl Elges.
Second-Major Adams, owner Don
Cook; rider Bill Maack, Jr.
Eilwaril Sappington, California, Mo.; Christine Broclc, Clintono Mo.; Bill Maack, tr., Boliaaro Mo.; anil Dan Bolinger,
California, Mo. Classes are giuen in the ailjacent article by
Mrs. Eduard Sappittgton ol Calitornia, Mo. Thanks to her anil
the association secretdry lor this picture. (BAG).
t's Power
owner-rider Frank Sims.
Youth Clase
First-Black Diamond, owner Barclay Brock; rider Christine Brock.
Second-Boss' Black Man, owner,
Clifford Austin; rider Cathy Austin.
Third-Gangbuster, owner Frank
Sims; rider Jimmie Dale Sims.
Amateur Class
First-Magic High Noon, ownerrider Mrs. Herbert Jeans.
Second-Shepherd of the Hills,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Burkholder; rider Roy Burkholder.
Third-C h a n ce's Town Talk,
owner-rider Joe Huddleston.
Walking Pleasure Class
First-Debbie, owner-rider \\'alton
owned by
Second-Sun's \\/onder Gal, owner
Don Cook; rider Bill }Iaack, Sr.
Third-Harvkel'e's Bay Ladl', on ner
I.[r. and ]Irs. Edn'ard Sappington;
rider Edward Sappington.
Ladies' Class
First-Magic High Noon, ownerrider Mrs. Herbert .feans.
Second-Ladies Last Boy, owned by
Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Kincheloe; shown
by Mrs. Kinchloe.
Third-Power House, owned by
Frank Sims; shown by Mildred Sims.
Open Class
First-Queen's Midnight, own errider Erven Schroder.
Second-Go Boy's P r o m a n a d e r,
owner-rider William Conwav.
Thircl-Sun's Ci n dy, o#ner-rider
Clifford Burchfie]d.
First-Sun's Cindy, owner-rider CliIord Burchfield.
Second-Magic High Noon, ownerrider Mrs. Herbert .]eans.
Third-Sun's D augh ter, owner
Lloyd Murphy; rider Ray Green.
Stud and Gelding
First-Queen's Midnight, owner Erven Schroeder; rider Leroy Stoneking.
Secoud-Magic Buzz, owners Dr.
and Mrs. J. R. Popejoy; rider Don
Third-Sun's Cadil I ac,
Clarkson; rider Chester Beshears.
Stake Class
First-Nlagic Buzz, owners Dr. and
IIrs. J. R. Popejoy; rider f)on Bolin-
Second-Queen's Midnight, owner
Erven Schroeder; rider Leroy Stoneking.
Third-Midnight C u r f e w, ownerrider E. F. Strickler.
Oflicial Show Held
An "official show" is held durins
the show season in conjunction witfi
(Continued on Page 24)