1962-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1962 March Voice | Page 12
Wolking Horse Show Rules Adopred By TWHB&EA And AHSA
I. General.
Horses exhibited
in this division must be registered
with the Tennessee Walking Horse
Breeders and Exhibitors' Association of America.
f udges must disqualifY anY horse
naving ra\v or bleeding
around the coronet, pasterns or legs
from either old or new scars or
chain sores.
Iudges must disqualifY anY horse
eqlippea with bands or Pads, rub-
gaits in the following order: runhing r,r'alk, flat walk and canter.
Horses shall be worked both rvays
of the ring, at least once around, at
all required gaits and every horse
chosen for a workout must be
r,vorked both ways of the ring in
any gait requested by the Judge.
After the preliminary workout of
each class the Judge shall individu-
ally instruct that one boot of each
horse being considered for an
ber bi leather or any other such award be removed and handed to
him for inspection. Grooms are aldevices around the Pastern area.
lor'ved in the ring to assist in the
Judges must disqualifY anY h^orse removal of boots but must not
eqirippea with any other artificial touch a horse until the
Judge indiappliance except an lnconsPrcu' vidually requests that boots
be reouilv applied tail brace, switch or moved.
n,tmun6'tail and any tYPe
other than those listed below.
In Championship Stakes horses
llorses may be shown without must be stripped for conformation.
There shall be no changing of
(a) Regulation Tennessee Walk- boots or changing of curbs or
ing Horse Quarter Boots or Regu- bridles after the exhibitor has enlafion Saddld Horse Boots. The heel tered the show ring, except in the
Dortion of either of these boots event of breakage of equipment,
lnust not exceed 2 inches in height. rvhich shall be allorved only one
The bell portion of either must not time per each exhibitor. Any exexceed 317, inches in height. The hibitor rvho violates such ruling
bell portion must be attached bY and any horse being stopped for
a hin.ge with a maximum Iength of such adjustments, except lvith perI inch and must not weigh more mission, shall be disqualified. Mithan 8 ounces.
nor adjustments to bridles or curbs
Leather or unlined rubber which are momentarily made by an
may be used Provided exhibitor (without dismounting)
r,r'hen horses are reversed in the ring
they do not weigh over 8 ounces.
The inside of all boots must be
smooth and free from loose objects
of any nature and must not h ave
any sharp edges or points _rr'hich
touch or iub any Part of the horse's
legs or feet. TI're lining of leather
shall be allorved.
In genTennessee
\\-alking Horse shouid har-e an intelligent and neat head, 'rvell shapecl
eral conformation the
and pointed ears, clear, alert eyes
bobts must be smooth, soft leather and a tapered rrluzzle. The neck
should be long and graceful. The
or felt.
shoulders should be muscular and
While any standard Walking rvell sloping. The back should be
Horse bit may be used, severe bits short with good coupling at the
are discouraged and bleeding of the loins. The chest should be deep in
mouth or muzzle must be Penalized the girth, well ribbed, full in the
in the final judging.
flanks, and of good proportion and
lvidth in the chest. The croup is
Part II. Judging
horses shall enter the ring at the flat generally sloping. The hips should
walk, shall go to the right and shall be rvell muscled and this developecontinue at the flat walk until the ment will usually extend well down
class is closed, after which the toward the hocks. Legs should be
Judges shall call for performance flat and cordy. Bone should be
dense and hard, and hoofs should
be of ample size. The hair should
be soft and sitt