Wolking Horse Clqsses At Shows ln 1962
Voice of the Tennessee Wolking Horse
Wolking Horse Clqsses At Shows ln 1962
TENNESSEE R-Milton Alexander , Rt . 1 , Woodbury , Tenn ., Phone , Auburnton , Tern . lDle wood 7-2425 n- .|. H . Amos , Box 1104 , Nashville , Tenn ., Phone Alpine 6-2168 R _ S . W . Beech , Jr ., Lewisburg , Tennessee , Phone Bellast , Tenn . CR 6-2475 R-James Thomas Bell , Williamsport , Tenn ., Phone EV 8.5992
R-Buddy Black , Rt . 2 , Lewisburg , Tenn ., Phone EL 9.1132
R-J . French Brantley , Manchester , Tenn ., Phone PA 8.2330
R-Robert H . Burris , 3 ' 16 Bel Aire Dr ., Franklin , Tenn ., Phone 794-3135 R-Edward M , Carothers , Rt . 1 , Franklin , Ienn ., Phone 794-1509 R-John L Curley , Route 5 , Franklin , Tenn .
R-Ed Ezell , Jr ., Chapel Hill , Tenn ., Phone EM 4-3385
R-Hulon Ferrell , RF0 1 , Baxter , Tenn ., Phone 526.6941 R-Dr . W . F . Fessey , 2413 West End Ave ., Nashville , Tenn .
R-Jimmie Gray , Belvidere , Tenn ., Phone Winchester W0 7-3028 R-James A . ( Toby ) Green , Shelbyville , Tenn ., Phone MU 4.5572
R-Wink Groover , 1101 Pennsylvania , Etowah , Tenn ., Phone AM 3-2496
R-J . D . Hall , Rt . 1 , Eagleville , Ienn ., Phone Triune , EX 5-4354 R-Steve Hill , 1314 E . Main , Murfreesboro , Tenn ., Phone 893-4655
R-John l . Hooker , 1106 Nashville Trust Bldg ., Nashville , Tenn ., Phone A [ 5.0636
R-Talbert B . Hughes , Rt . 6 , Shenandoah Hghts ., Johhson City , Tenn ., Phone W
A 6-i825 or WA 6-765 ' l R-J . T . Kelley , Rt . 7 , Columbia , Tenn ., Phone EV 8-3126
R-Carson I . Kidwell , Box 174 , Franklin , Tenn ., Phone 73 + 1212 R-Marianne Gray Leech , Rt . 1 , Belvidere , Tenn ., Phone Winchester W0 7-46 44
R-4 . D . Luna , Rt . 1 , Lewisburg , Tenn ., Phone EL 9-1482
R-Frank Metcalf , Sparta , Tenn ., Phone g62l R-Edward E . Miller , Sr ., 815 S . Church St ., Murtreesboro , Tenn ., Phone 893-
R-J . R . Oob ) Morris , 2618 Franklin Rd ,, Nashville , Iennessee , Phone GY 8 .
1 608
R-1 . M . Murphy , Smithville , Tenn ., Phone LY 5-5015 R-A . E . ( RocU McEwen , Williamsport , Tenn ., Phone JUniper 3-2181
R-Ihomas Hall McNabb , Route 1 , Readyville , Tenn ., Phoire 893.7931 , Murlree sboto , Tenn . R-Howard ( Red ) Nix , Route 1 , Cornersville , Tenn ., Phone CY 3.2835 R-Dr . Dewitt 0wen , Franklin , Tenn . R-J . T . Parker , Wartrace , Tenn ., Phone FU g-6407
R-Donald Paschal , Readyvllle , Tenn ., Phone W0odbury 563.2717
R-C . M . Pinkleton , 209 4th Ave ., Columbia , Ienn ., Phone EV 8-0561
R-Albert L . Rowland , 2106 Wedgewood Dr ., Columhia , Tenn ., Phone EV g-84
R-Rolert A . Shannon , Route 1 , Springfield , Tenn ., Phone 384.4349 R-Urban Small , Jr ., Fayetteville , -Tenn., Phone TA 6-6581
!::!. W . Snelson , Mclver Stables , Lexington Hwy ., Iackson , Tenn ., Phone 7- 2018
R-lvlike St ., Charles , Richard Jones Rd ., Nashville , Tenn ., CY 2-2909 r-John _ q ._ Stookard , Jr ., 1l0t Woodside 0r ., Johnson City , Tenn ., Phone WA
Inut 6-0905
R-Ray Tenpenny , Wartrace , Tenn ., Phone FU 9-6 ' 197 or tU 9.6464
R-J . G . Walker , Wartrace , Tenn ., Phone FU 9-6190 R-Jack-Warren , 1115 W . Commerce St ., Lewisburg , Tenn ., Phone EL g-4940 o r Et 9-3611
R-Eddie V { iser , Rt . 1 , Shelbyville , Tenn ., Phone MU 4-1656
R-R . F . Oob ) Wright , Graves llrive , Lawrenceburg , Tenn ., Phone S0uth 2.2534
R-Horace B . Young , lewisburg , Tenn ., Phone EL 9.4339
R-Jesse E . Martin , 1006 W . T . Waggoner Bldg ., tt . Worth , Texas , Phone ED 2-3336
R-8 . A . Skipper , Jr . P . 0 . Box 24G6 , longview , Texas , Phone Pt 3-t018 r-Fred E . Iurner , 10160 Gaywood Rd ., Ilallas 29 , Texas , Phone EM 8-4090 R-J . Glenn Turner , 1900 Mercantile Dallas Bldg ., Dallas 1 , Texas , Phone Rl 2 .
348 1 r-Joe Wright , Box 31 , Nacogdoches , Texas , Phone L0 4.5763
VIRGINIA R-Gol . Gayle J . Cox , Wagonwheel , lndependence , Virginia , Phone Spruce 3- 4372 ftE-ar ! W . Gardner , 1608 S . Arlington Ridge Rd ., Arlington 2 , Va ., phone 0
T + 4913 R-Dr . Thomas L . Gorsueh , Sl3 W . Main St ., Waynesboro , Va ., Phone WHite hall 3-3297 or 2-8127 R-Everett L . Shipp , Route 2 , Timberville Va ., Phone 896.981S
R-William [. Sloat , Luray , Va ., Phone PR 8.2784 R-C . C . Iurner , Broadway , Va ., Phone 896.4191 R-Paul F . Turner , Rt . 2 , Box . l30 A ., Stanley , Va ., Phone pRospect 8.2664
WASHINGTON STAIE R-lsabelle K . Moe , 403 l48th Ave ., N . E ., lfirkland , Wash ., phone TUcker 5-
133s wEsr vrRcrNrA
R-R . 0 . Roush , Sr , P . 0 . Box 308 , Madison , W . Va ., Phone 1465
R-Rodney 0lp , -1862
A Jackson gL Ostrtostr , Wisc ., Phone BEverly i . 5130 R-Thomas Yan Keuren , Iown llall Rd ., Belcit , Wisc ., Phone EM 4-4384
Horse Registrotions For Jqnuorlr 1952 , At TWHB & EA '*
( Printed herewith are names , sires , dams , foal dates and owners ' names of the approximately 400 horses registered during January , 1962 , in the
registry of the Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders and Exhibitors ' Assn . of America , office at Lewisburg , Tenn .
These applications were receivecl
prior to Jan . I as a large portion of the applications for 1961 were filed verv late in the year . The Editor thanks the Association fol permitting this publication of the registrations .
Abbreviations are s for stal1ion . m for mare . B- \ G .)
MACK ' S D- { RE DEVIL , s , b . v l { idnight Mack K out of Prifate Secretary , foaled June
I , 1961 . Owner , E . H . Patterson , Lervisburg . SHAW ' S SUN DUST , s , by Sun Dust
out of Shaw ' s Silver Queen , foaled May 8 . 1960 . Owner , George R . Shaw , Mt . Pleasant , Tenn .
SUN SET ' S FIRST SON , s , by Sun Set S . out of Shaw ' s Silver Queen , foal ' ed April 22 , I921 . Owner . George Shaw , Mt . Pleasant , Tenn .
LADY SUN SET S , m , by Sun Dust out of
June Sun Dust , foaled July 8 , 1961 . Owner , George R . Shaw , Mt . Pleasant , Tenn . GO BOY ' S CHATTER BOX , s , by Merry Boy out of Wyecott ' s Lullabye , foaled Sept . 1 , 1961 . Owner , W , B . Cleveland , Collierville , ' Ienn .
GO BOY ' S CHANCE C ., s , by Merry Go Boy out of Merry Boy ' s Princess G , foaled Sept . 25 , 1961 . Owner , W . B . Cleveland , Collierville , Tenn . GO BOY ' S STOCKING , s , by Merry Go tsoy out of Colonial Sunset , foaled Oct . ?, 1961 . Orvner , W . B . Cleveland , Collierville , Tenn .
D .{\ DY BOY . s . bl Go Bo1 ' s Commanderout of \ Ielrrmeadorr . foaled June 1 . 1961 .
Orrner . Russbll T . Arnold , C , r : nthia , K , r '.
SL \ DUST BUGGER BOY , s , by Sun
Dust out of Hayes Bright Eyes , foaled ' April 26 , 1961 . Orvner , A . H . Clifton , Ethridge , ' lenn .
REX ALLEN MAN , s , by Rex Allen Man
out of Stars In Your Eyes , foaled June 4 ,
1961 . Owner , A . H . Clifton , Ethridge , Tenn .
DELK ' S MACK K , s , by Midnight Mack K out of Delk ' s Dream Girl , foaled March 23 , 1961 . Owner , John G . Delk , Columbia , Tenn .
BAY FORTUNE , s , by Man of Old Glory out of Lady Pepperell , foaled April 3 , 1960 . Owner , Harold D . Rector , Bowling Green , Ky .
SHADO \' V ' S BLACK WIDOW , m , bv Go Boy ' s Shadow out of Lady Pepperell , fbaled
April 23 , 1961 . Owner , Harold D . Rector ,
Bowling Green , Ky .
MIDNIGHT ' S WANDA , m , by , Midnight Sun out of lVanda Lady W ., foaled April
14 , 1961 . Owner , Mrs . ' L . F . Hufstedler , Parsons , Tenn .
SIDNEY , m , by Go Boy ' s Shadow out of Ann ' s Dixie ltdid , foatia June 9 , 1961 . Owner , Harley Fowler , Knoxville , Tenn .
SCA '[ MAN Mc , s , bv Little Merrv Bov out of Mighty Lirrle Maid , foaled Apiil 27 , 1956 . Orvner . Jimmy lIcFarlin , Murfr6esboro , Tenn .
IIARY LITTLE SNOW BALL , m , by Scat Man Mc out of Sara Tane Allen . foaled lulv 22 : 1961 . Owner , M .?. Williams , Hop { ins ' - ville , Ky .
FANCY ' S PENNY , m , by Mikes Pinocchio o-ut of Sylvia ' s Fancy , foaled July 13 , 1961 . Owner , Cushman K . Davis , Tacoma , Wash .
BLACK SUSANS RED MACK , s , by Black Angelt Mack K . out of Black Susan ,' foaled . 1 " 1 . l !, 1961 . Owner , F . T . Dulin , Spring-
{ ield , Mo .
WALTER MITTY , s , by Shelia ' s Go Bov out of Mite of Midnight , foaled fune l /, 1961 . Owner , Ralph Paris , Fredo-nia , Ky . ( Continued on Page ll )