1962-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1962 March Voice | Page 13

For The 1962 Seqson Presented ln Full
Revised Rules Allow
";; New Type Bool : Cqll
For Workout Chonge
Voice of the Tennessee Wolking Horse il

For The 1962 Seqson Presented ln Full

switch or humane tail is allorred .
Boots are prohibited . Shorls may divide classes by age and ,' or sex . MODEL . Entr-ies shall be led into the ring in bridie , to be judged on conformation and finish only . \ Vay of going shall not be considered . Boots are prohibited .
Sirorvs mav dir-ide classes by age and / or sex .
T \\' O . YEAR-OLD WALKING HORSES . To be judged 50 / o for rnnning : vaLk , 25lo for flat-footed
rvalk , and 25lo for conformation .
YEARS OLD AND UNDER . ( Exception : in AHSA ZONES B , 9 , 10 ,
1 years old and under .) To be judged 40 / o for running walk , 20o / o for flat-footed rvalk , 20 / o tor canter and 20 ! o for conformation .
be judged 40lo for running I ' valk , 20fo for flat-footed tvalk , 20 ! o for canter and 20fo for conformation .
DEN BY A LADY . To be judged 40fo for running tvalk , 20 / o for flatfooted tvalk , 20 / o for canter and
20fo for conformation . \, VALKING HORSE TO BE
RIDDEN BY AN AMATEUR . To be judged 40 ,"/ o for running rvalk , 20 ! o for flat-footed walk , 20 / o f . or canter and 20lo for conformation .
To be judged 40 / o tor running
w alk , 20 lo f or fl at-foot ed tv alk , 20 lo for canter and 20 % for confor ' - mation .
PIONSHIP ST , 7KE . To be judged 40 / o tor running tralk , 20 / o for flatfooted v , alk , 207o for canter and 20 / o for conformation . To be eligible horses must have been entered ,
shown and judged in one other class in this division . I { ominations to be
made in entry blank ( or ) Horses need not be named until . hours before time of class , at which time names and descriptions ol tires must be made in writing
ouner or his agent .
DEN BY A JUNIOR EXHIBI . TOR . To be judged 40 / o for rlunning walk , 20lo for flat-footed walk , 20lofor canter andZ } fo forconformation .
WALKING PONY . Open to stallions , mares and geldings who shall be I4.2 hands and under . To be juclged 40lo for the running r , valk ,
20 7 '/ o tot the flat tvalk , 20fo for canter and 20fo tor conformation .
WALKING HORSE PLEA- SURE CLASS . Open to stallions , mares and geldings ridden by an amateur . ( Shows may divide class by rider ' s age and / or horse ' s age
or sex .) To be judged on three gaits as to pleasurable handling and riding characteristics with light rein and to true road and trail qualities . Disposition , mouth , manners , responsiveness to rider , soundness and conformation to be considered . To stand quietly and back readily . Set tails and artificial appliances prohibited ; entries shall be plain shod as for trail and pleasure riding .
Light pads are permitted . Horses competing in Pleasure Classes are ineligible to compete in any other classes at the same show in which the performance of the horse is the clecicling factor .
Shol s are encollr-aged to offer equitation classes for riders of \\ -alking Horses and classes must be juclged by Recognized \ Valking
F { orse Judges . All persons judging these events and all taking part in them should familiarize themselves rvith the complete specifications rvhich may be obtained from the
Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders and Exhibitors ' Association , Lewisburg , Tenn . or from the
Revised Rules Allow

";; New Type Bool : Cqll

For Workout Chonge

Revision of show rules to permit a
third type of light leather or unlined
S-ounce bell boot to be used on the front feet of Tennessee Walking
Florses was approved by the American Horse Shows Association at its annual meeting Jan . l0-12 in New York City . Executive Secretary Tom Fulton of the Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders and Exhibitors ' Association of
America announced the change at Lewisburg , following his return from New York . He said approximately 20
persons attended a meeting of the
Walking llorse Division-this group
including President J . Glenn Turner of Dallas , Tex . and Chairman of the Board of Directors John H . Amos oI Franklin . Turner is also a director o [ the American Association .
Ilorlification of rules [ or . showins
and judging Tennessee WalkinE Florses was in line with rules adopred by the TWHB & EA direcrors -and
members of its judges and judging committee at that group ' s session in Lewisburg on Nov . ll , 196l .
Included in the judging rules is a provision that judges shall require one b , oot t " o be dropped for inspection of the foot and the boot after the preliminary workout in each class-and that juclges shall disqualify any horscs having raw or bleeding sores around the coronet , pasterns or legs from either old or new scars or chain sores .
Specific modifications of the boots include a reduction from 2 and l-2 inches to I inch in maximum lenEth I ' or a hinge attaching a bell portion oI a boot . Regulation Saddle Horse boots also may be used as an option .
- \ lso modified t-as the rule in regard
to rvorkours . As revised it reads " horses shall be worked both wavs of the ring , at least once around , it all lequired gaits and every horse chosen for a workout must be worked both ways of the ring in any gait requested by the judges ." The rule for tlie final workout lormerly said it would be jrrdged as it it were a separate class .
The rule regarding condition of boots was chang-ed to provide that the
lining of leather boots must be smooth , soft leather or felt .