1962-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1962 December Voice | Page 13
Voice of the Tennessee Walking Horse
LADY GO LIGHTLY, m, by Stately Allen out of War
rior’s Gay Blade, foaled June 1, 1960. Owner, Christine
Nichols, Ft. Myers, Fla.
GO BOY’S LADY ANN M., m, by Go Boy's Pride out
of White Lady Ann, foaled Feb. 15, 1962. Owner, Troy J.
Marlin, Leaksvillc, N. C.
HAL’S EVENSONG, m, by Hal Wilson out of T. T. Mid
night Melody, foaled May 3, 1962. Owners, FI. M. & Joanna
C. Lamberton, Peru, Ind.
LITTLE SISTER, s, by The Pharaoh out of Dainty
Breeze, foaled Jan. 10, 1962. Owner, Chester E. Cox, Maud,
T exas.
PHARAOHS CHAP, s. by The Pharaoh out of Baldwin
Blaze, foaled June 20, 1962. Owner, Chester E. Cox, Maud,
PAM GATLIN'S STRIDE, m, by Big Stride out of Peggy
Sue, foaled April 14, 1960. Owner, Otto Corum, Madison-
ville, Ky.
ESTRILLITA STAR, m, by Merry Boy’s Flash out of
Gay Judy, foaled April 1, 1961. Owner, C. F. Houser, Tyler,
A SNOWFLAKE, m, by Bessie H’s Merry Boy out of Gay
Judy, foaled March 11, 1962. Owner, C. F. Houser, Tyler,
MIDNIGHTS MOON TALK, m, by Sun Big Stride out
of Strollin Black Angel, foaled June 11, 1960. Owner, Wil
liam C. Thomas, Blouniville, Term.
GO BOY’S IMPALA, s, by Go Boy’s Cadillac out of Mid
night Cindy, foaled Jan. 8, 1962. Owner, Wm. Henderson &
Son. Prairie, Ala.
MIDNIGHT BLUE TIMES, m, by Midnights Sun Time
out of Wilson’s Blue Girl, foaled July 8, 1962. Owner, Ar
thur Jensen, Olathe. Kans.
ELEANOR FAYE'S GLORY, m. by Spur’s Roan Allen
out of Chip's Blue Fancy, foaled Feb. 28. 1961. Owner, Mil
ler DeRamus, Marion, Ala.
KING'S LADY ANN. m. by Flashy Snow King out of
Maud Pardon, foaled June 27, 1961. Owners, C. C. Mc-
Clung & Mickey Sutton.
SUN UP'S MAY DAY, m, by Go Boy’s Sun-Up Again out
of Midnight Shelia, foaled May 1, 1960. Owner, Hilary
Yciser, Owensboro, Kv.
RED ROAN OF G REN OAKS, s. by Big Sandy out of
Nancy Priss Allen, foaled March 10, 1962. Owner, Gene
Forgsgren, Ft. Smith. Ark.
GAT’S LILLY MAY TONEY, m, by Big Stride out of
Gatlin’s Peggy Ann, foaled May 1, 1960. Owner, David E.
Gatlin, Crossvillc, Tenn.
EAST FORK MIDNIGHT DR. s, by Dr. John of Mid
night out of Gatlin’s Peggy Allen, foaled Sept. 18, 1962.
Owner, R. S. Jackson. Oak Ridge, Tenn.
SCOTTS BELLE, m, by Forrest's Scout out of Fancy
Baby, foaled April 28. 1955. Owner, Jerry Hal Scott, Florence,
WING COMMANDER, s, by Pride of Wartrace out of
Lady Lucy, foaled April 21. 1962. Owner, Cleve Jernigan,
Wartrace, Tenn.
PRIDE’S RED EAGLE, s. by Pride of Wartrace out of
Grissom’s Dollie, foaled April 19, 1962. Owner, Cleve Jerni
gan, Wartrace, Tenn.
MAKER’S HEIRESS, m, by Pride of Wartrace out of
Maker’s Best, foaled May 18, 1962. Owner, Cleve Jernigan,
Wartrace, Tenn.
FICHTNERS POT O’GOLD, m, by Eagles Gold Dust
out of Lady Jim, foaled May 25, 1961. Owner, Wm. E.
Ficluner, Waverly Hall, Ga.
INVASION’S RIO, s, by Go Boy’s Invasion out of Noes
Rio Rita, foaled April 7. 1962. Owner, J. E. Dendy, Trinity,
WENNER’S WISH, m, by Wenner’s Rocket out of Kissie
Mazie Beauty, foaled July 30, 1962. Owner, Dr. Louis H.
Wittrock & Kaiherina B. Witt rock, Watkins, Minn.
WENNER'S LEE, s, by Wenner’s Rocket out of Beauty
Sunlight, foaled June 8. 1962. Owner, Mary Katherine Bis-
chof, Watkins, Minn.
GO BOY’S TOUCH ME NOT, m, by Merry Go Boy out
of Sun’s Birdy Wilson, foaled May 29, 1962. Owner, R. M.
Pcercy, Brentwood, Tenn.
SUN OF TI-1E HILLS, s, by Grey Sun out of Lady of
Continued on page 12
plan would help to insure that only the most qualified sires
would be retained as breeding stock.
Early Registration Urged
Q—When should a colt be registered ?
A—You should register a colt within the year in which it
is foaled. That is before January 1 of the year following
the date of its foaling. Ages of horses are computed on the
basis that January 1 is the birth date of all horses, and all
become one year old officially on the January 1 after they
are foaled.
Some people do not register during this first year, but we
urge all to register colts within the year in which they are
foaled. You can have time to ascertain the coloring, mark
ings and other characteristics that are shown on the papers
when prepared. The Breeders’ Association provides a regis
tration application form on which all these facts should be
When an application for registration is prepared the
breeders must specify if the horse has been bred through
natural service or through artificial service. Under no cir
cumstances does the Breeders’ Association at this time per
mit registration of artificially bred foal. This positive
regulation against registration of artificially bred foal of
either sex took effect under a rule which reads: The
produce of any stallion resulting from artificial insemina
tion on and after September 1, 1953, which artificial in
semination takes place on and after September 1, 1953,
shall not be eligible for registration on and after Septem
ber 1, 1953. All applications for registration shall state
whether the foal was the result of natural or artificial serv
ice. This statement shall be signed by owners of both stal
lion and mare. All applications for registration must be
prepared in ink and these applications become a part of the
Q—When should a colt be named?
A—The application for registration should bear a name
proposed for your colt. The application blank carries space
for three names in the order of the owner’s preference. Any
name can be used—just so it does not duplicate a name
already assigned and does not have more than 18 spaces or
letters—spaces incl uding all characters and punctuation
How To Name Your Horse
The limitation on spaces is made necessary by the fact
that room on the registration certificate is limited—and all
information thereon is carefully typewritten. In some cases
where names have been used previously in registrations a
letter can be placed either before or after the name—thus
clearly identifying the horse. Frequently this letter is taken
from the sirname of the owner filing the registration
For instance—suppose you had a horse named Wilson’s
Go Boy and the name had already been used. Suppose your
name was Bill Jones, you could use such a name as Wilson’s
Go Boy J. or J. Wilson’s Go Boy.
There is no rule against using names that might be used
as an advertising medium. If you were in the automobile
Continued on page 12