1962-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1962 December Voice | Page 12

10 December , 1962
CJennessee ~ W ) ailing < J ~ Corses ^jReaJ & 4II 1S / U- £ n . Js ' in ^Registrations
A highly significant fact about horse shows at this date ( 1962 ) is that the Tennessee Walking Horse Breed leads in purebred registrations all breeds of horses that confine their activities to “ show and pleasure ” and do not regularly participate in racing contests . This fact has been true for five years , according to Thomas H . Fulton , executive secretary of the Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders and Exhibitors ’ Association of America , Inc ., with headquarters at Lewisburg , Tenn .
Mr . Fulton has been associated with the Tennessee Walking Horse industry for almost 40 years . His father was a breeder of Walkers and the son has followed in his footsteps since an early age in North Carolina . Mr . Fulton devoted years to breeding and showing Walkers and from 1956 to 1958 he was president of the Association with offices at Lewisburg . He then became its executive secretary and has been re-elected each year . He is considered an authority on the breed .
In a Question and Answer interview with Mr . Fulton the Editor of this book gained the following information : Q — Why are Tennessee Walking Horses registered ? A — The primary reason for registering a horse is to ascertain the animal ’ s breeding . By breeding we mean to find out who his sire is and who his dam is , his great sire and his great dam , and so on . The Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders & Exhibitors ’ Association of America , Inc ., of course registers these horses and we extend these pedigrees back for five generations . That is important as it carries the horse back in most instances to Allan F-l or at least to Roan Allen F-38 who was recognized as one of the all-time great sires .
A registered horse always demands a higher price than do horses not registered . Usually a horse that is a pedigreed horse is one that is registered . He comes from good stock , because a man thinking about breeding a horse is going to breed to as good a sire as he can obtain , especially if he has a good mare to be bred .
A pedigreed sire and a pedigreed dam are necessary if a stallion or mare is to be registered with the Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders and Exhibitors ’ Assn . However , a gelding can be registered on 50 per cent pedigree — that is if his sire or his dam is registered . But this 50 per cent pedigreed horse must be gelded , must be two years old and must be able to perform the true gaits of the Tennessee Walking Horse as attested to by witnesses capable of convincing the Executive Committee ( now the Board of Directors ) that the gelding can execute the required true gaits .
The reason this 50 per cent pedigree is legal for the gelding is that a horse that has been gelded cannot contribute to the breed through production of progeny . However , geldings make excellent show horses and pleasure horses — and authorities of the breed have long recommended that a very large proportion of the makes be gelded before they reach the age of reproduction ( approximately two years ). This


STAR GOLDS GIPSY , m , by Merry Boys Star Gold out of Lamb ' s Flicka , foaled May 2 , 1962 . Owner , Felix C . Mickevich , Scottsville . Mich .
COCK ROBIN ' S TERESE , m , by Sun ’ s Cock Robin out of Terry Dixie Girl , foaled March 4 , 1962 . Owner . Patricia M . Peters , Riverside , Calif .
GOLDEN MAJOR , s , by Golden Show Boy out of Princess Red Bud , foaled June 4 , 1961 . Owner , Mrs . Win . Brownley , Jr ., Renfrew , Pa .
SUGAR MILLER , m , by Midnight Bama Boy out of Miller ' s Lady , foaled May 9 , 1962 . Owner , James C . Miller , Sparta , Tenn .
MACKS PASSING PARADE , s , by Midnight Mack K out of Society Breeze F , foaled May 28 , 1962 . Owner , Fulton Fraser , Columbia , Tenn .
STARFIRE F , s , by Mack K ' s Elegance out of Breezing Glory , foaled March 29 , 1962 . Owner , Fulton Fraser , Columbia , Tenn .
EBONY MACK K .. s , by Mack K ’ s Elegance , out of Lucky Mack K , foaled Feb . 1 , 1962 . Owner , Fulton Fraser , Columbia , Tenn .
B . C . VELVET DUCHESS , m , by Midnight Mack K , out of Nell Bradford , foaled May 19 , 1962 . Owner , J . B . Cabell , Jackson , Miss .
MISS MAY DAY . m , by Dixie Allen Boy out of Miss Dorothy , foaled May 1 , 1962 . Owner , R . P . McGraw , Charlotte , N . C .
GO BANG ’ S IMP . m . by The Great Go-Bang , oui of Desert Trail Lady , foaled April 29 , 1955 . Owner , Robert A . Johnson . Whittier , Calif .
C . MERRY JINGLE BELLE , m , by Rodger ' s Go Boy out of MauGrays Merry Belle , foaled June 8 , 1962 . Owner , Jerry I-I . Cole , Pine Bluff , Ark .
SHADOWS MORNING ROSE . m . by Go Boy s Shadow out of Midnight Sal , foaled June 20 , 1962 . Owner , A . D . Register , Telford , Tenn .
MIDNITE SILVER BELL , m , by Midnight Southern About of Strollin Silver Moon , foaled March 25 , 1962 . Owner , R . M . Peercv , Brentwood , Tenn .
JOE ’ S ORPHAN NANCY , m , by Orphan Joe out of Nancy Phagan , foaled April 22 , 1959 . Owner , Herman Welch , Petersburg , Tenn .
NANCY ' s BIG BOY . s , by Orphan Joe out of Nancy Phagan , foaled April 1 . I960 . Owner , Herman Welch , Petersburg , Tenn .
NANCY ' s FLASH , s , by Orphan Joe out of Nancy Phagan , foaled April 10 , 1961 . Owner , Herman Welch , Petersburg , Tenn . JET ' s PANDORA , m . by Sun ’ s Jet Parade out of Spurs Wild Flower , foaled Oct . 17 , 1962 . Owner , Walter F . Peterson , Jacksonville , Fla .
SCAT MAN ’ S CHANCE , s , by Seal Man Me . out of April Chance , foaled May 29 , 1962 . Owner , L . E . Davenport , Oklahoma City , Okla .
DANDYS MERRY GO , m , by Shadow ’ s Jim Dandy out of Gypsy ’ s Merry Flash , foaled May 8 , 1962 . Owner , V . R . Borgman , Aurora . Ind .
CLOVERCROFF MYSTERY , m . by Sun ’ s Midnite Dream out of Pilots Merry Miss , foaled June 7 , 1962 . Owner , J . C . Noland , Franklin , Tenn .
THE DEMON DEACON , s , by Go Boy ’ s Rebel T . F . out of Midnight Belle , foaled June I , 1962 . Owner Dr . Hubert M . Polcat , Smilhlield , N . C .
REBEL MACK K ., so . by Go Boy ’ s Rebel T . F . out of Mack K ’ s Dark Lady , foaled July 7 , 1962 . Owner , Dr . Hubert M . Poteat , Smithfield , N . C .
MERRY GO G1GI , m , by Go Boy ’ s Special out of Bonnie Dean , foaled April 23 , 1961 . Owner , Rose and Woosley , Winchester , Ky .
DUCHESS MERRY ALLEN , m , by Golden Suns Merry Boy out of Tula Day , foaled June 15 , 1962 . Owner , Mr . and Mrs . Albert Stanley , Warrenlon , O .
DARBY ’ S DIEBO , m , by June Sun out of Sclenia Allen , foaled April 17 , 1962 . Owner , Edward M . Carothers , Franklin , Tenn .
MAID ’ S CELEBRATION , m , by Grey Sun out of Sun ’ s Mighty Maid , foaled Jan . 6 . 1962 . Owner , G . B . Franklin , Jr .. Martinsville , Va .