Lubbock ' s Walker Team Wins Praise
Voice of the Tennessee Walking Horse 9
A Quiz Column Answers Asked
Quiz Column — Answers Requested
1 . Are there any Tennessee Walking Horse Riding Schools ? If so , where are they ? Mary Carol Wilson , Rt . 2 , Carsonville , Mich .
2 . Where can I buy some good Tennessee Walking Horses that aren ’ t too expensive ? Chad Converse , Outing , Miss .
3 . If any person made a movie film ( that can be rented ) of at least a part of the 1962 Celebration Write To Arthur R . Harlow , Central at Railway , White Fish , Montana .
4 . A list of breeders in the Vicinity of Southern California . Pauline Ayres 22112 Covello , Canoga Park , Calif .
5 . The address of a dealer or breeder of Registered Tennessee Walking Horses near this location . Mrs . Wanda Grenda , Laurel St ., Marlboro , N . H .
6 . To know if any of you pleasure riders have ever broken your horses to drive to a buggy . Mrs . Harper Reid , 17491 Palm Ave ., Arlington , Calif .
7 . To know if the following great Walking Horse stallions are still alive , and if they are , where they are standing : 1 , Sir Maugray 2 , Pride of Panola 3 , Merry Maker 4 , Society Man . Mrs . Glenn R . Powell , Powell Stables , Paintsville , Ky .
8 . Where can I buy a book on Training the Tennessee Walking Horse ? W . W . Harris , 201 Forrest St ., Alexander City , Ala .
You can buy a good Training book from Joe Webb at Searcy , Arkansas . See his ad in December issue of the Voice .
9 . A large number of subscribers have asked “ How can I make my horse quit pacing and go into the running walk ?’’ Also , “ How can I get my horse to do a smooth rolling canter ?’’ These questions are answered in detail in Joe Webb ’ s Training book . Write for it to him at Searcy , Arkansas .
( Note , any questions received will be put in the quiz column each month . Let ’ s write to one another , and in this way , we will help the cause of the Tennessee Walking Horse .)
MARE FOR SALE — Black 5-year-old mare . Well bred . Has won in small shows . Gallows Hill Farm , F . D . Hotaling , Bath , N . Y .
Lubbock ' s Walker Team Wins Praise
( Contributed by J . B . Floyd ) Lubbock , Texas has something new in Walking Horses . A Drill and Parade Team made up o £ sixteen flashy colored , head shaking Tennessee Walking Horses with riders dressed in the most colorful Western costumes and equipment the writer has ever seen in a parade team .
When this team marches down the street with their snappy slow running walk many viewers , not familiar with the gaits of the Walking Horse , think they are seeing high schooled horses that have been taught to do this gait .
The team has paraded in several of the neighboring cities , winning several first places for their colorful team .
Members are Foster Presley , Gladys Presley , Glover Leuenberger , Rebecka Brownlee , Ernest Holcomb , Velda Holcomb , Roger Quarles , Ray Strader , Mary Williams , Vernon Williams , Joe Sharp , Scout Sharp , Pat Bealer , Jerry Bealer , Waneta Leach , Roy Leach .
I found more copies of The Voice among these members than I have seen in one group , and Lubbock may be able to boast of more Walking Horses than any city in the West .
L . G . Leuenberger , club member , and active in the formation of this team , has recently built one of the most complete Walking Horse Stables to be found anywhere in the West . Several of the teams horses are stabled here .
Another incident new to most clubs , is the fact that they sent their , farrier , Loyd Williams , to work under another skilled farrier to learn how to better take care of their horses ’ feet .
She Has Twin Colts , Nowr 14 Months Old Miss Doris McClelland of 5820 Manzanita Ave ., Carmichael , Calif ., informs me that we misidentified her in the October Voice because of misreading her name . She has twin registered Tennessee Walking Horse colts , foaled by Sunset Roll-A-Long , purchased two months before the colts were foaled
Ṫhe twins were sired by Stately Go Boy who was recently crowned Grand Champion Tennessee Walker of the Pacific Coast . They were 14 months old in November .
HORSE Magazines
National Horseman , monthly ............................$ 7.00 Saddle & Bridle , monthly , except Jan . . 7.00 Horse World , Show Horse Digest , The Horseman ’ s Ad-Visor , mo ., except Jan ............................. 4.00
American Shetland Pony Journal monthly , except Jan ........................................... 4.00 monthly , except Jan ............................................ 6.00
THOROUGHBREDS The Chronicle of the Horse , weekly , the Thoroughbred In sport ........................ 9.00 Blood Horse , weekly , racing and breeding .. 8.00 Thoroughbred Record , weekly ........................ 7.50 Turf & Sport Digest , monthly , racing stories , etc . ..................................... 5.00 Rocky Mountain Thoroughbred &
Quarter Horse , 10 Issues ............................... 4.00 Canadian Horse , Thoroughbreds , monthly .. 4.00 Thoroughbred of Calif , monthly ....................... 4.00 National Thoroughbred , 2 issues a yr ........... 2.00 BREEDS Arabian Horse News , 10 issues .................... 3.00 Morgan Horse , monthly , except Jan ................... 4.00 Palomino Horses , monthly ............................ 3.00 Quarter Horse Journal , monthly ........................ 4.00 international Quarter Horse
Tally Book , quarterly ............................... 2.00 Quarter Horse Digest , Monthly — digest size .......................................................... 3.00 Pinto Horse News , bi-monthly .................... 2.25 ( Harness ) Horseman & Fair World , weekly ............. 9.00 Voice of the Tenn . Walking Horse , monthly , devoted exclusively to the breed .. .. 4.00
WESTERN Western Horseman , monthly ............................. 4.00 Horse Lover , bi-monthly , Western — All Breeds — Plenty on Quarter Horses ................................................... 3.00 The Ranchman , monthly , Cattle & Horses .. 2.00 Texas Horseman , mo ., magazine of western riding ................................................. 3.00 Quarter Racing Record , mo ........................ 3.50 IRA , Rodeo News , mo . ...................................... 3.00 Michigan Horseman News , mo ., except January , all breeds ............................................................ 2.50 The Horsetrader , m ., national classified ads 2.00 Modern Horseman , monthly , for Midwest ..................................................... 3.00 Piggin String , news particularly West Coast , monthly ................................................................ 3.00 QHB Magazine , information and articles .... 4.00 Rodeo , Sports News , twice monthly ........... 4.00 Saddle-ite , bi-mo ............................................... 2.00
Rush in your order today . Order as many magazines as you wish , with only one check or money order payable to Ken Kimbel . Then mail your order and remittance to
KEN KIMBEL , Dept . V Plant City , Fla .
Horses For
SALE Colts — Mares
Show Horses Two Stallions In Service
BOYCE ' S BILLY SUNDAY Come To SEE ME or PHONE AT NIGHT CY 4-2758 — Unionville , Tenn . R . C . BOYCE
Barn on Highway 41-A Four Miles North of Shelbyville , Tenn .