Leonidas Anthopoulos and Panos Fitsilis
Cases : Started – Current Condition ( Gauggel , 2011 ), ( Qi and Shaofu , 2001 ) Helsinki ( 1995‐today ) New e‐services ’ deployment on WLAN infrastructure http :// www . hel . fi Geneva‐MAN , Switzerland ( 1995 – 2012 ) It exists and offers broadband connectivity to its inhabitants and local enterprises
Wireless / Mobile New York ( 1994‐ today )
/ Virtual City Exists offers various e‐services http :// www . nyc . gov / html / doitt / Kista / Stockholm ( 2002‐ today ) Kista has become a thriving Science City and a leader in mobile and ICT development http :// en . kista . com Florence , Italy ( 2006‐ today ) Exists and a charter is documented for future similar developments http :// senseable . mit . edu / florence /
Smart City Antwerp , Belgium ( 1995‐ today ) Started as Broadband City and today interconnected to Brussels and to Amsterdam ( Baeyens , 2008 ). Taipei , Taiwan ( 2004‐ today ) It exists and it evolves to eco‐city Tianjin , China ( 2007‐today ) It exists and it evolves to eco‐city http :// www . tianjinecocity . gov . sg Barcelona , Spain ( 2000‐ today ) Exists , http :// w3 . bcn . es , http :// www . bcn . es Brisbane , Australia ( 2004‐ today ) Exists and limited its scope to local e‐Government , traffic and parking services , and on waste management http :// www . brisbane . qld . gov . au Malta ( 2007‐ today ) Continues to connect ICT companies especially in the field of healthcare and education http :// malta . smartcity . ae / Dubai ( 1999‐ today ) Exists and continues to integrate top ICT solutions Tampere ( Finland ) ( 2003‐today ) It began as a thinking tank for innovative ICT applications . Today it occupies more than 1,000 professionals who develop various e‐Services http :// www . tampere . fi
Digital City Hull , U . K . ( 2000‐ today ) Exists and focused on e‐Government , on e‐learning and on smart TV ( http :// www . hullcc . gov . uk ) Cape Town , South Africa ( 2000‐ today ) Exists and offers various e‐services such as environmental , for tourism , transportation ( http :// www . capetown . gov . za ) Trikala , Greece ( 2003‐ today ) Exists and limited its scope to tele‐care and to metro‐Wi‐Fi services ( www . e‐trikala . gr ) Austin , U . S . A . ( 1995‐ today ) Exists and emerges to Eco‐City http :// www . cityofaustin . org / Knowledge Based Cities , Portugal ( 1995‐ today ) Portals of the digital cities do not meet projects ’ objectives http :// www . cidadesdigitais . pt
Ubiquitous City New Sondgo , S . Korea ( 2008‐ today ) Under development and evolves to eco‐city ( Jackson et al ., 2011 ) Dongtan , S . Korea ( 2005‐ today ) Evolves to eco‐city http :// www . udongtan . or . kr / Osaka , Japan ( 2008‐ today ) Under development ( Jackson et al ., 2011 ) Manhattan Harbour , Kentucky , U . S . A . ( 2010‐ today ) Under development . http :// www . themanhattanharbour . com Masdar , United Arab Emirates ( 2008‐ today ) Under development . http :// www . masdarcity . ae
Eco‐city Dongtan S . Korea ( 2005‐ today ) Evolves to eco‐city http :// www . udongtan . or . kr / Tianjin ( Singapore ), Under development . Public housing project in the Eco‐city and Keppel District Heating and Cooling System Plant http :// www . tianjinecocity . gov . sg Masdar , United Arab Emirates ( 2008‐ today ) Under development . http :// www . masdarcity . ae