13th European Conference on eGovernment – ECEG 2013 1 | Page 46

Obaid Almalki , Yanqing Duan and Ingo Frommholz
The original DeLone and MacLean model ( 1992 ) was proposed mainly to evaluate IS success based on performance ( DeLone and McLean 2004 ). On the other hand , the TAM model was proposed to measure the acceptance of IT ( Lean et al . 2009 ). Combining constructs from both models will help provide e‐government portals ’ success from different points of view : firstly , from the point of view of users ’ acceptance of this technology , and secondly , this will help evaluating the impact of e‐government portals ' success .
The marriage of these literature streams may result in a more comprehensive framework for evaluating e‐ government portals ' success , and therefore benefit the IS and e‐government research disciplines . This developed framework can be seen from different views with regards to the adapted IS theories / models , perceived risk theory and value theory . It can be seen as an extension to the updated DeLone and McLean IS success model ( 2003 ) by replacing Use construct with the whole TAM ( Davis et al . 1989 ). Also , it can be seen as using TAM ( Davis et al . 1989 ) with some identified external variables : quality dimensions of the updated DeLone and McLean IS success model ( 2003 ), perceived risk , personal values , user satisfaction and perceived net benefits . In fact , this framework looks forward to a better understanding of factors that lead to success in terms of adoption and impact together . This success is viewed by the eyes of individuals who use the e‐ government portals . More details about this framework , its testing and validation will be reported later in a future study .
Table 2 : The proposed framework constructs ’ definitions
Adapted from
System quality
The desirable characteristics of e‐government portal
Petter et al .( 2008 )
Information quality
The desirable characteristics of the e‐government portal output
Petter et al .( 2008 )
Service quality
The quality of services / support which e‐government portal users interact with / receive through the portal and / or from the government organization that is responsible for
Petter et al .( 2008 )
managing the portal
Computer selfefficacy
Perceptions of an individual of his / her ability to achieve a desired task using e‐government portal
Compeau and Higgins ( 1995 )
Perceived risk
The e‐government portal users perception of the uncertainty and the negative effects of a desired result
Fu et al .( 2006 )
Personal Values
The cognitive representations of desirable and abstract goals
Rokeach ( 1973 ) and
Schwartz ( 1992 )
Perceived usefulness
The extent to which an e‐government portals ' users believe that using e‐government portals would improve their
Davis ( 1989 )
reception of government information and services
Perceived Ease of use
The extent to which an e‐government portals ' users believe that using a particular e‐government portal would be free of
Davis ( 1989 )
Attitude Toward
Persons ' general feeling of favourableness or unfavourableness as far as the use or not of an e‐ government portal is concern
Fishbein and Ajzen
( 1975 )
Behaviour Intention to Use
Use User satisfaction Net benefits
5 . Future work
A measure of the strength of one ’ s intention to perform a specified behaviour ( i . e . using and interacting with e‐ government portal ) The extent and manner in which e‐government systems users utilize the capabilities of an e‐government portal e‐Government portal user ’ s response to the use of the product of a particular e‐government portal system The overall impacts of an e‐government portals in use on the individuals
Lean et al .( 2009 )
Petter et al .( 2008 )
DeLone and McLean ( 1992 ) DeLone and McLean ( 2003 )
Two research activities are currently undertaken . First , the first round of a Delphi study has been conducted to know what value types are most relevant to the success of e‐government portals . After finalizing this study , the value types will be added to the current proposed framework under the construct : personal values . Second , a Survey questionnaire is been developed based on the measurement items proposed for each construct in the framework . This survey questionnaire will be distributed for the users in the context of Saudi government portals . Those users will nominate one of the government portals that they have used before and