Obaid Almalki , Yanqing Duan and Ingo Frommholz
then answer all the questions regarding the evaluation of that portal based on the dimensions of our proposed framework .
6 . Conclusion
This research paper describes an effort to provide a comprehensive framework for evaluating e‐government portals ’ success . This proposed framework is composed of a set of useful and clear factors that were theorized from a well‐known IS theories / models and other discipline theories . Reviewing the literature of IS success and e‐government evaluation , revealed that there is a need to consider some major IS theories / models along with personal value theory in order to establish a framework that is better to evaluate e‐government portals ' success form individuals perspective . The proposed evaluation framework will be empirically tested in the context of Saudi government in the very near future . It can also be adapted to a specific country situation and modified based on analysing of what factors that apply in the context of the other countries .
This study has a limitation which lies in the absence of the empirical testing and validation of the proposed framework and the measurement items that has not been applied in the fieldwork . In addition , the proposed framework requires an empirical validation which will be performed in the next stage of this PhD research using survey questionnaire . This survey questionnaire will be distributed among the users of e‐government portals in Saudi Arabia . More details about this phase will be reported later as well as the results of validation and testing of this proposed framework .
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