13th European Conference on eGovernment – ECEG 2013 1 | Page 21

Aelita Skaržauskienė is a Doctor of Social Sciences from ISM , University of Management and Economics in Vilnius , Lithuania . Applies both knowledge of management and modern leadership‐correlated disciplines in her work , such as Business dynamics , Systems thinking , Chaos and complexity theories . Was the coach in Self‐managing teams building project in European Parliament together with DEMOS Group Belgium
Anna Sołtysik‐Piorunkiewicz , PhD is employed at the University of Economics in Katowice as lecturers on Faculty of Informatics and Communication , at Department of Informatics . She is taking part in the research into computer science , systems analysis and computer system design , management information systems , e‐business and public informatics .
George Sourmelis holds a MSc in e‐commerce and a BSc in Information Technologies and Telecommunications . From 2008 he works as an IT advisor at National Business Registry of Union of Hellenic Chambers . He has teaching experience in e‐ commerce and requirements engineering . His research interests are in the areas of e‐government , requirements engineering and system development cycle .
Dalibor Stanimirovic is a researcher in the field of Informatics in public administration . His research work has been published in several national and international journals . His general research interests include ICT in public administration , Enterprise Architecture , e‐government , evaluation models and indicators of ICT projects , e‐democracy and social dimensions of ICT policy .
Virgil Stoica , Ph . D .: Head of Political Science Department – Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi , Romania , Faculty of Philosophy , Social and Political Sciences ; Courses taught : Public Policy , Public Administration , and Political Science Research Methods ; Scientific research fields : e‐government , public policies , local government , and political elites .
Klaus Stranacher He is working at the E‐Government Innovation Center in Graz . His main topics are E‐Government and ITsecurity . During his activities he participates in several European research projects . He was involved the pilot‐project STORK and he was leading work‐package 2 in the large‐scale‐pilot SPOCS . Additional he is working on his PhD‐thesis on interoperability of electronic documents .
Sun Yueh Yun Graduate student in Department of Public Administration at National Chengchi University . Sun is interested in e‐government / e‐governance , ICT development . As a research assistant , has engaged in few research projects such as “ A Performance Evaluation Model and Empirical Study of E‐Governance ” and “ A New Business Model and International Collaboration Direction for Taiwan e‐Governance Research Center .”
Jakob Svensson is Assistant Professor in Media and Communication studies at Karlstad University where he directs the MA program in Global Media and the BA program in Media and Communication Studies . He is also director of the research network HumanIT at Karlstad University . His research focuses on political communication from a participatory and civic perspective .
Dr . Gopikrishna Vasista Tatapudi is currently a Researcher at King Saud University , Riyadh , Saudi Arabia . He has former experiences in the field of IT as a programmer analyst in USA and as a senior Lecturer / Asst . Professor in academic field in the area of Systems and IT , E‐Business and E‐Governance .
Luiza Teixeira has a BA in Administration and M . A from Bahia ’ s Federal University in Local Power and Organizations , a specialist degree in Distance Education from Madrid ´ s National Distance Education University ( UNED ), is Assistant Professor at the State University of Santa Cruz ( Bahia ) and Doctorate student at Getulio Vargas Foundation ´ s Public Administration and Government Program .
Prof Alfredo Terzoli is the Head of the Telkom Centre of Excellence at Rhodes University and the Research Director of its equivalent at Fort Hare ( South Africa ). His areas of academic interest include e‐services , ICT‐for‐development and wireless connectivity for marginalised areas . He is the leader of the Siyakula Living Lab and of Reed House Systems .
Slim Turki is a senior researcher at PRCHenri Tudor . He holds a PhD in IS engineering . He has been involved in many national and international projects addressing multiple business sectors like e‐government , financial and social services . He developed a solid experience in multi‐actors systems modelling ( goal , value , information ), service analysis , design , re‐design and compliance .
Nataša Veljković received the BSc and MSc degrees in computer science at the University of Niš , Serbia . She is currently working as a Teaching Assistant at Faculty of Electronic Engineering with the Department of Computer Science . Her PhD research is concerned with Sensor Web systems , E‐systems as well as GIS .
Konrad Walser is a full time professor for information management at University of Applied Sciences Berne , Switzerland . He teaches in the following domains : E‐Government , IT Governance , IT Servicemanagement . Konrad Walser holds a PhD in Busi‐