13th European Conference on eGovernment – ECEG 2013 1 | Page 22

ness Informatics of the University of Bern . His current interests are IT project governance , E‐Government front offices and organizational optimiziation through ICT in the E‐Government domain .
Dr . Fang Wang is a professor of Information Science in Business School of Nankai University , China . She got her Doctor ’ s degree from the Department of Information Management , Peking University in 2004 . She was a Fulbright visiting scholar ( 2009‐ 2010 ) at the National Center for Digital Government in UMASS Amherst , Massachusetts , USA . Her research field is e‐ government .
Dr . Maria A . Wimmer is a full professor and chair of research group , University of Koblenz‐Landau , Germany . Research focus : e‐government and e‐participation ( holistic design , enterprise architecture , conceptual modelling , ontology and knowledge management , procurement , standardisation and interoperability , stakeholder involvement , evaluation and measurement , policy development ). PI and coordinator of EC‐funded research , co‐chair of IFIP EGOV
Ewa Ziemba is an Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Economics in Katowice , Poland . She received her Post Ph . D . in management with the specialization in management information systems . Her principal research areas are focused on information society , e‐business and e‐government , especially information systems and technology in knowledge‐based eonomy . xviii