13th European Conference on eGovernment – ECEG 2013 1 | Page 20

Jeroen Pastoor Project manager Monitoring e‐Government Netherlands . Jeroenworks at ICTU , an impartial and professional organisation by and for government organisations . Jeroen working experience with Dutch government organisations improving their eGovernment solutions and strategies . Jeroen was involved in coördination of ICT‐related projects at national / regional level – on implementation and usage of eGovernment solutions . Jeroen is currently interested in measurement of benefits realization , big data and web3.0 solutions .
Cristina Pérez Espés is a Business Administration graduate in the Faculty of Economics , and Business ( Zaragoza , Spain ). She has participated in several international congresses , such as Asepelt 2012 , WSKS 2012 e . t . c , as well as in public and private projects . Currently , Cristina is pursuing Doctoral Thesis in Effectiveness of eCognocracy from financial and economic perspective .
Igor Pihir is a research and teaching assistant and a PhD student at the University of Zagreb , Faculty of Organization and Informatics in Varazdin . His research interests are in business process modelling and improvement trough IT and e‐business especially with focus on measurement of e‐business effects in SMEs processes .
Denisa Popescu Senior Enterprise Architect , Office of Chief Enterprise Architect , World Bank . Led and worked on initiatives in enterprise information integration , both structured / unstructured information , Master Data Management , reference data / taxonomies management , and automatic metadata capture using semantic technologies . PhD in Business Administration , George Washington University . Researches areas of knowledge transfer / learning , technology innovation , international regulatory standards , and global governance .
Zoran Radojičić is an associate professor at Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Belgrade , Department of Operational Research and Statistics . He holds a B . A . in Organizational Sciences , a M . Sc . in Statistics and a Ph . D . in Statistics , all from University of Belgrade . His research interests are computational statistics , applied statistics , biostatistics , information systems , Internet and e‐business .
Rajash Rawal Principal Lecturer in Politics at ESCM , The Hague University , The Netherlands . His publications include Politics & the Internet in Comparative Context ( with P . G . Nixon & D . Mercea ) and Understanding E Government in Europe ( with V Koutrakou and P G . Nixon 2010 ) He specializes in the impact of media on political agents in the modern era .
Arthur Riel is the Chief Enterprise Architect at the World Bank where he is responsible for the overall architectural framework for the Bank and the management of many technology initiatives . Arthur has worked with dozens of companies over a 30 + year period and is a published author / entrepreneur with original research dating back to 1988 .
Kassandra Rothernstadt has a BA Honours in Communication studies and an MA in the same field from the University of Calgary , Canada . She is currently a researcher at iMINDS ‐ SMIT while also pursuing her interdisciplinary PhD degree ( Faculty of Communication sciences and Faculty of Philosophy and Morals Sciences ).
Elena Sánchez‐Nielsen obtained her Ph . D . degree in 2003 in Computer Science from the University of La Laguna . Since 2003 , she has been associate professor in the University of La Laguna . She has over 10 years of experience working in projects related to e‐Government and eParticipation . Her interests include intelligent systems , eGovernment , audiovisual contents and social media .
Ninoslava Savić is a lecturer at Higher School of Professional Business Studies in Novi Sad , Department of Informatics . She holds a B . A . in Mathematics from Novi Sad University and a M . Sc . in Information Systems from University of Belgrade . Her research interests are information society , e‐business , information systems and methodologies for measuring e‐ development .
Laura Schina is Consultant at the Centro Cultura Innovativa d ' Impresa – University of Salento providing functional support for the development of studies focused on the implementation of the user centric approach In Public Administrations . She worked as Consultant at Innova S . p . a . and was involved in activities related to the thematic networks in the eGovernment domain .
Shareef Shareef is a Software engineering lecturer , University of Salahaddin . BSc Physics , Mousel University , Iraq ( 1990 ). MSc Digital Communications Networks ( 2005 ), London Metropolitan University .. Shareef worked in ICT Centre , Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Kurdistan Region , Iraq ( 2007 ). Shareef was a PhD student ( 2009 ) School of Architecture , Computing and Engineering , University of East London . Shareef researches E‐government / cloud computing initiatives in developing countries . Published and reviewed conferences .
Vjaceslavs Sitikovs obtained Dr . sc . ing . in Technical Cybernetics from Riga Technical University in Latvia in 1982 . His main research field is computer‐assisted learning systems . He has thirty years experience of teaching in the field of computer science . He has participated in and has led a variety of projects related to improvement of study process .