13th European Conference on eGovernment – ECEG 2013 1 | Page 19

Jeroen Meij is a manager at KPMG Advisory N . V . in the Netherlands since 2008 . With experience in design and consultancy , the link between technology and business always has his special attention . Topics include data mining , ontologies , open source and open standards . He has been involved in many Agile software development projects , often using innovative concepts .
Adela Mesa is a Ph . D . teacher at the Department of Political Science and Administration in the University of the Basque Country . She has directed several eGovernment research since 2002 . She currently heads a research funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology titled : Barriers to electronic government and intergovernmental relations in the Spanish regional administrations system ( 2010‐2012 ).
Mohamed Ali Mohamed is a PhD researcher at Faculty of Computers and Information , Cairo University . He has Syrian nationality , He holds BSc in Informatics Engineering and MSc in Information systems , and his research interests include : E‐ government , Enterprise Architecture , Software Engineering , Project Management , SOA and Cloud Computing .
José María Moreno‐Jiménez received the degrees in mathematics and economics , and the Ph . D . degree in applied mathematics from the University of Zaragoza ( Spain ), where he is a Full Professor of Operations Research . He is also the Chair of the Zaragoza Multicriteria Decision‐Making Group . He has published more than 180 papers in scientific books and journals .
Ricard Munné is Project Manager in the Public Sector Unit in Atos Research and Innovation since 2011 . Previously , he had worked in Atos as Project Manager and Consultant in Public Sector projects for four years . Ricard has a degree as Telecommunications Technical Engineer and pursued a Master in Information Technology Management .
Professor Malcolm Munro is emeritus professor of Software Engineering in the School of Engineering and Computing Sciences at Durham University . His main research focus is in the areas of Software Visualisation , Software Maintenance and Evolution . He has also been involved with research in Web Services , protocols for fair exchange of electronic goods , and Reputation Systems .
Fattah Nazem is an Associate Professor . He has been vice‐president of the research department for the last five years . His research interests are in the field of Higher Education Management . He has written 2 books and 94 articles . He is Chief Executive of the Quarterly Journal of Educational Science .
Francesco Niglia worked more than 10 years as consultant for Technology Transfer and holds focus expertise in the ICT for government solutions domain . Key assignment : manager of the NET‐EUCEN network within which he is responsible for the development and validation of eGovernment indicators for measuring the application of User Centricity methodology in services to citizens .
Paul G . Nixon Principal Lecturer in Politics at ESCM , The Hague University , The Netherlands . Paul co‐edited Understanding E Government in Europe ( with V Koutrakou and R Rawal 2010 ) E‐Government in Europe ( V Koutrakou 2007 ), Political Parties and the Internet ( S Ward and R Gibson 2003 .) and Cyberprotest ( W van der Donk , B Loader and D Rucht , 2004 )
Donald F . Norris is a specialist in public management , urban politics , and the application , uses and impacts of information technology ( including e‐government ) in public organizations . He holds a B . S . in history from the University of Memphis and both an M . A . and a Ph . D . in government from the University of Virginia .
Olaseni Muritala Okunola is a PhD student ; his research focuses on the ICT user experience , user satisfaction , user experience of mandatory technology acceptance and ICT Policy , and e‐inclusion . He holds a Master of Science degree in Business Information Systems and a Master of Business Administration . He is preparing a Ph . D on User Experience of e‐Government Services .
Svein Ølnes I work as a full time researcher at the Western Norway Research Institute , in the ICT departement . My field of research is eGovernment and within that field I have worked mostly with quality and benchmarking issues as well as interoperability and the use of semantic technologies .
Wolfgang Palka is a research associate and PhD student at the Chair for Information Systems at the Technische Universitaet Muenchen . His research interests include open government data , e‐government , and mobile commerce . He was awarded for the best research of the year in the Journal of Information Technology ( 2009 ) for a contribution on mobile viral marketing .
Monica Palmirani is an associate professor of Computer Science and Law at Bologna University , School of Law , Italy . She teacher of several courses since 2001 on Legal Informatics , eGovernment , Legal drafting techniques , and Legal XML . She is director of Italian Society of Legal Informatics , of the LAST‐JD Ph . D programme and consultant of the government agency for Italian Digital Agenda . xv